Popular Tools Programming Tips
Installing Docker 0.8 on Debian Wheezy in 60 seconds
Wil Tan
5 responses
debian, wheezy, docker
Run scripts on Linux/Ubuntu every few seconds, faster than Cron can do it.
Ivan Đurđevac
4 responses
php, linux, cron, ubuntu
GLaDOS Voice Tutorial (and other AI's)
Wesley Hill
2 responses
android, mac, iphone, robots
Adding a table to your Laravel database
Nicholas Kramer
1 response
php, shell, mysql, terminal
Insecure And Self-Signed Private Docker Registry With Boot2Docker
Ivan Sim
4 responses
ivanhcsim, boot2docker, docker, docker-machine
Create SSL Certificates for ISPConfig using Let's Encrypt
Denver Sessink
0 responses
linux, unix, apache, nginx
NTFS Read / Write in OS X
Jeffrey Jackson
3 responses
shell, terminal, osx, bash
Clean up OSX .dotfiles
Jim Greenleaf
3 responses
shell, alias, osx, files
Vagrant + VirtualBox + Ubuntu = no internet access?
Ignas Butėnas
10 responses
virtualbox, network, vagrant, linux
Setup a MongoDB Container With a Docker File
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
mongodb, docker
Simple Git Log Output
Abizer Nasir
0 responses
git log, git
How to undo a git commit --amend
Murphy Randle
0 responses
undo, screencast, commit, git
Upgrade Git to 2.5.2 in CentOS 6.4 through yum
Jeff Li
0 responses
linux, centos, rpm, git
Launch iTerm2 and run commands in tabs
Lorin Hochstein
0 responses
terminal, osx, applescript, iterm2
Exponential Backoff in Bash
Phil Smith
0 responses
shell, bash
Reduce XCode build times
Aurélien Lemesle
0 responses
xcode, os x
Git post-receive hook to checkout a specific branch
Mike Robinson
4 responses
deploy, hooks, git, post-receive
Get count of running apache processes
Chris Fidao
0 responses
terminal, cli, apache, pgrep
Checking the version of Tmux in a tmux.conf
Trevor N. Suarez
1 response
console, terminal, linux, ssh
Upgrading to Mountain Lion - Ruby + MacPorts
Phil Cohen
3 responses
ruby, os x, rvm, macports
Some git basic commands
shiva kumar
0 responses
github, git, linux
Dual-booting OS X and Ubuntu 16.04 on Macbook Pro 10,1 with Encrypted Root
1 response
ubuntu, os x, dual-boot