Killing all child processes in a shell script
I wrote a shell script starting some background processes and needed to make sure to kill them all on exit. Turns that, that isn't as easy as one might expect. This is what I ended up doing:
First you need to trap some signals to execute a shutdown function. In that function we first need to get our process group id, then kill the complete process group in a new process group so we won't risk killing our selves:
shutdown() {
# Get our process group id
PGID=$(ps -o pgid= $$ | grep -o [0-9]*)
# Kill it in a new new process group
setsid kill -- -$PGID
exit 0
trap "shutdown" SIGINT SIGTERM
... # start gazillion of background processes here
Written by Johannes 'fish' Ziemke
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1 Response

How did you come up with this? In other words: where did you find this solution?
Thank you very much for posting this.
over 1 year ago
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