Newest Shell Programming Tips
A smart `cd` for your Python project
0 responses
python, shell, zsh, virtualenv
Getting fish, rbenv & homebrew playing nice together
Rahul Trikha
4 responses
shell, fish, homebrew, rbenv
Bash save for later
Chris Kentfield
3 responses
Bang Bang (!!)
Robin Curry
0 responses
Auto-completes the npm executables in ZSH
Xavier Cambar
0 responses
shell, zsh, npm, nodejs
Bang Cash (!$)
Robin Curry
15 responses
Brace Expansion in Bash
Tyler Hunt
1 response
shell, bash
Split window with iTerm 2
Sean Yang
3 responses
shell, mac, iterm
Convenient web server for quick and easy file sharing
0 responses
ruby, shell, web, server
parallel execute calabash-android tests
12 responses
shell, android, test, calabash-android
Linux, Unix, Mac
Gabe De
0 responses
shell, bash
Prevent ssh session from timing out
Chris Farmiloe
0 responses
shell, ssh
Combine stdout and file into stream
Nathan Lee
0 responses
shell, unix
Avoid returning your command when grepping ps output
Franco Reyes
0 responses
shell, grep, cli, *nix
Your Twitter Status Timeline on Linux Terminal
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
ruby, shell, terminal
Git Interactive Staging in shell script
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
shell, linux, git, bash
starting the ssh-agent
Amar Sanakal
0 responses
shell, ssh-agent
Bash/Shell script quick cheat sheet
0 responses
shell, script, tips, testing
Using gs for lean rbenv gemsets
Erol Fornoles
0 responses
ruby, shell, rbenv, gemset
Brother scanner + linux (ubuntu server).
Rafał Malinowski
5 responses
shell, brother, scanner
Use Sublime text alias in your shell.
0 responses
shell, sublime, alias, unix
ZSH globbing qualifiers
Augusto Hack
0 responses
shell, zsh
Forgot to nohup(1)? Just use disown(1)
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, pid
Simplify zsh's directory history
0 responses
shell, zsh, productivity
Access EC2 Linux box over ssh without .pem file
Willem van der Jagt
22 responses
shell, ssh, aws, amazon