Newest Shell Programming Tips
Makefile + value from variable based on string from cli.
Rafał Malinowski
0 responses
shell, makefile, bash
Quickly Reload ZSH Config / zshrc
Ryan MacLean
0 responses
shell, zsh, config, reload
Installing Rails on OSX
Josh Burns
6 responses
ruby, shell, rails, osx
Generate random ASCII from the shell
Jonathan Castello
3 responses
ruby, shell, passwords
Make ls list directories first
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, osx, bash
Always be using the latest version of Meld
Duncan Lock
0 responses
shell, git, meld
What does this java process actually do?
Alex Heusingfeld
0 responses
shell, linux, troubleshooting, java
Script to update vim pathogen and bundles
Jens Grassel
3 responses
shell, zsh, vim, git
Colorful man pages
Pierre-François CLEMENT
2 responses
shell, zsh, color, command-line
Remove all whitespace from a directory
David Kormushoff
4 responses
shell, vim, whitespace, timesaver
Specific manual page for `bash` built-in commands
Antonio Vera
0 responses
shell, documentation, bash, cheat-sheet
CLI based project structure generator
Josh Burns
3 responses
shell, css, html, twitter
Sublime Text 3 is now available for everyone to try
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
ruby, php, python, shell
Insert filename from output of previous iTerm command to the prompt
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, osx, iterm
Get a list gz files having a certain string without decompressing it
0 responses
shell, grep, linux, mac
Map Caps Lock key to both Control and Escape
Mislav Marohnić
0 responses
shell, terminal, vim, keyboard
Purge all remaining configuration files from removed packages
Romain Vigo Benia
0 responses
shell, unix, dpkg
How to install clojure including startup script
Peter Suschlik
0 responses
shell, clojure, startup, install
Painless Vagrant Provisioning with HereDocs and bash
Rui Carmo
0 responses
shell, vagrant, fabric, python
WTF did I do?!
Jens Nilsson
8 responses
shell, os x, tool, helpful
Make mac connection slow/fast on demand
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, osx, bash
C-style loops in bash
Roman Rader
0 responses
shell, linux, bash
Tmux - Choose window when switching sessions
Erik Zaadi
0 responses
shell, tmux
Add a Banner to Mongo shell
Peter Souter
0 responses
shell, mongodb, mongo, javascript