Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Heredocs with leading whitespace removed
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ruby, whitespace, heredoc
Change downloaded file name (content disposition) with Paperclip and S3
João Marcelo Oliveira de Souza
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ruby, rails, paperclip, aws
Custom page in ActiveAdmin
Denis Savitskiy
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ruby, rails, slim, activeadmin
Best Python learning resources for solid comprehension
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ruby, docker, machine learning
Track visitors on Ruby on Rails (Ahoy gem)
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rails, ruby, gems, best of
Custom finder for active admin
Jan Dudulski
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, active_admin
A Simple Technique for Wrapping 3rd-Party API Clients
Stuart Liston
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ruby, singleton, client, wrapper
Rspec colors and spec_helper
Thomas Riboulet
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ruby, colours, rspec
Thoughts on login using username or e-mail address with Devise
Ben Caldwell
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ruby, rails, devise, arel
Compile command-t vim plugin with homebrew and macvim
Hector Garcia
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ruby, osx, vim, homebrew
Ruby Case on Ranges
Lukas Alexandre
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ruby, range, case statement
Sinatra, Heroku, and CouchDB
Ben Woodall
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ruby, sinatra, couchdb, cloudant
install rmagick '2.13.2' gem - checking for Magick-config... no
Blair Anderson
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ruby, rails, imagemagick, rmagick
Force UTF-8 encoding for all Ruby 1.9 stuff
Bartłomiej Danek
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ruby, shell, zsh, bash
Factory Girl in the Rails Console
James Martin
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ruby, rails, factory_girl
Connecting to MS SQL Server using Ruby on Mac OS/X 10.8
Stephen Cornelius
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ruby, mac, ms sql server
Testing with Auth0 and RSpec in Rails & Ember-CLI
Rob Guilfoyle
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ruby, rails, rspec, ember-cli
Directory Indexes with middleman-blog
Josh Lewis
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ruby, blog, middleman, html
When the Rails Magic Stops. Cookies, Storage, and Sessions.
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ruby, rails, session store
Integrate with Turbolinks and webpacker react
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ruby, rails, javascript, react
Mimic rspec’s “context” in minitest/spec
Allan Espinosa
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ruby, spec
Method override with super()
Lukas Alexandre
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ruby, method override
Install Rubinius 2.0: Homebrew + rbenv + ruby-build
Erol Fornoles
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ruby, homebrew, rbenv, rubinius