Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
The Capybara and the JavaScript Datepicker
Tim Segraves
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ruby, javascript, capybara
pre-commit hooks
Angel Botto
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ruby, rails, hook, git
Rails rake task, clean up database, remove duplicates on multiple columns
Troy Martin
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rails, remove duplicates, rake
Self during Ruby class initialization
Robbie Pitts
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ruby, initialization
Writing HTML easily on decorator / helper
Alif Rachmawadi
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ruby, rails, helper, draper
Facebook Javascript SDK with CoffeeScript
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ruby, haml, heroku, nodejs
Testing Rails app with drone
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ruby, rails, ubuntu, continuous integration
Ruby-like OpenStruct in Python
Emmanuel Turlay
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python, ruby, struct, openstruct
Installing ruby and gems with native extensions on OS X Mavericks
Johnny Rodgers
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ruby, bundler, rvm, gcc
How to send automated emails in Ruby on Rails (with Mailgun)
Lee Munroe
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ruby, rails, email, mailgun
Expect Exceptions to be raised in rspec
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ruby, rspec
Setup Your own Gitlab server from the on-click install image (Digital Ocean)
Hendrik Peter
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ruby, linux, remote, gitlab
Use bundle install --standalone
Tomohiro TAIRA
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ruby, bundler
Ruby -ane as awk replacement
Adam Stankiewicz
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ruby, shell
SQL Queries with Sublime Text and Ruby
Chris Kentfield
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ruby, sql, sublime-text-2
Mongoid ModelName.collection.aggregate method with $match by dates.
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, mongodb, mongoid
Rake task list in Rails
Chip Castle
4 responses
rails, rake
ActiveAdmin - Disable JSON/XML export
David Collom
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, daviec85
Delete ALL your installed gems
Ismael Abreu
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ruby, gems
Testing Sidetiq Workers
Mike Pack
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ruby, sidekiq, sidetiq
Sublime, RVM and RubyTest
Marko Klemetti
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ruby, shell, sublime, rvm
Using a before_filter to change the template that a controller action will render
Vitor Balocco
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ruby, mvc, rails, layout
Setup Rails 4.1, Spring, Rspec, and Guard
Allen Fair
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ruby, rails, guard, spring