Last Updated: March 17, 2025
· johnmathew

Best Python learning resources for solid comprehension

I've begun my programming journey recently and I love it. However, so far it seems any resources I find tend to breeze through topics and material very quickly, failing to define terminology (passing the variable, argument, etc.) and not really breaking down the elements in a given program example.

Can anyone recommend learning materials that are super thorough, that sacrifice speed in order to get a solid handle on fundamentals?

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Good share!

over 1 year ago ·

Here is a low-down on the top learning courses (both free and paid) that will lay the ground for your programming art or help you hone up the skills if you've been long in the game.

Udemy ( the most obvious option, but it's still great)
Udemy offers like 10,000 results for Python courses that are well-suited for both newbies and masters. All courses lie in the range of $30 to $150 and have a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you want to get to grips with this technology and learn the fundamentals of Python, then Udemy offers you a comprehensive platform to learn the Python language. Here you can learn both versions, Python 2 and Python 3, with Udemy. It also teaches you about the advanced features of Python, including a collection module, decorators, and timestamps.
I'd definitely recommend Python Bootcamp From Zero To Hero.

Learn Python The Hard Way (free option)
Learn Python the Hard Way is a free ebook available online that gives you a great foundational knowledge of Python code. The book is great for:
- Complete beginners with no programming experience
- Jun-level devs who know one or two languages
- Returning professionals who haven’t done any coding in years
- Seasoned professionals searching for a one-stop crash course in Python 3

The book helps you learn Python by doing 52 useful exercises.
You’ll learn Python by working through 52 brilliantly crafted exercises. You can continue your education with 5+ hours of video where the author shows you how to break, fix, and debug your code.

Google's Python class (free)
First of all, this one is not for complete beginners. It's geared towards specialists with a bit of coding experience. Initially, Google created this crash course for its employees to learn the fundamentals of Python in 2 days. The employees found it useful, so the company decided to share it publicly. The course covers both basic Python concepts such as strings and lists and more complex topics like text files, processes, and HTTP connection.

A Byte Of Python (free)
"A Byte of Python" is a free book on Python programming. It can serve as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a newly-minted Pythonian. Note that this book describes the Python 3 language, even though Python 2 is still more widespread.
You can pick up in-depth knowledge of this coding language and explore such essential topics as strings, variables, data types, etc.

over 1 year ago ·

Thanks for sharing useful information. This is what I was looking for.

over 1 year ago ·