Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Encrypt your Code Climate repo token for public repositories on Travis CI
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ruby, ci, travis, code climate
Install mysql2 ruby gem under OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion - Ruby + MacPorts
Gergely Tamás Kurucz
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ruby, osx, macports
`after_commit` in ActiveRecord::Observer
Alan Daud
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ruby, activerecord, rails
Ruby hashes and "try"
Marc Anguera Insa
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ruby, rails, hash
Ruby generate random number, doing it right.
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ruby, random, generator
Array#sample and Array#shuffle using SecureRandom
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ruby, array, securerandom, rand
Find missing translations in your Rails app.
Alexey Kuleshov
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ruby, rails, on
RubyMotion + Reveal
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ruby, reveal, ios, rubymotion
How to reload module without relaunch rails console.
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ruby, rails
Ruby parsing JSON from txt file.
Jake Cooper
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ruby, json
clear cache of a Ruby on Rails association
David Rasch
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ruby, rails, cache, associations
Gem Authors: Think About Your Users!
Ian MacLeod
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ruby, bundler, rubygems, gem
Simple trick to work with ActiveRecord dynamic column and encapsulated accessor
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
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ruby, flexi-model, column_for_attribute, dynamic attributes
CanCan: Load and authorize resource under certain circumstances only
Maciej Smoliński
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ruby, controller, devise, application
Random value for latitude & longitude in ruby
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ruby, latitude, longitude
require.js for rails projects
sergey kuchmistov
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ruby, rails, amd, javascript
An algorithm to generate fake but realistic looking graph data(that trends too)
Peter Philips
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ruby, algorithms, data, graphs
Exclude any js file from uglifier optimization during assets:precompile
Andrew Volozhanin
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ruby, rails, assets
Why I chose Node.js over Ruby on Rails
Sagi Isha
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ruby, coffeescript, rails, nodejs
Slim down HTTP responses
Ricardo Mendes
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ruby, rack, sinatra, gzip
Deploying Rack apps on Ubuntu
Tore Darell
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ruby, rails, unicorn, rack
Fragment caching using JBuilder and Rails
Damon Davison
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ruby, haml, json, caching
How to deploy a Ruby on Rails app from BitBucket to Heroku
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ruby, rails, heroku, testing
Running a Sinatra Console
Christopher Curtis
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ruby, sinatra
How to enable Strong Parameters protection for non-ActiveRecord models?
Vojtěch Kusý
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ruby, rails, strong parameters, mass-assignment protection