Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Setting up a new Mac OSX Lion for Development
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
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ruby, nodejs, macosx, vagrant
Dynamically load configuration tokens using ruby's metaprogramming magic
Carlos Betancourt C.
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ruby, rails, api, metaprogramming
Rails 4 Extranet and E-Commerce application implementing Devise "Single Sign On" with "Active Admin", "Comfy Mexican Sofa" and "Spree Commerce"
Dion Santana
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, authentication
Capistrano task for compiling tasks locally
Tiago Amaro
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ruby, rails, capistrano
Extending ActiveAdmin DSL
Matt Brewer
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ruby, rails, active admin, active-admin
Schedule rails jobs in your users timezone
Mike Coutermarsh
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ruby, rails, sidekiq, taskk
Rake -T : No need to use grep
Andrew Hunter
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rake, ruby
irb time saver
Tieg Zaharia
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ruby, shell
Socket.IO in Ruby
Matt Huggins
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ruby,, websockets
Access Rails App from Plain Ruby Script
Joe Fiorini
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ruby, rails, shell scripting
Validating associated plain Ruby objects
Ian Whitney
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ruby, activerecord, validation
Using Mariadb as a drop in replacement for MySQL
Timothy Marks
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ruby, mysql, rails
Hiding rvm, bundler from your users
Tom, Bom
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ruby, shell
Restarting a service through monit with a restart.txt file
Thomas Riboulet
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ruby, capistrano, monit
Use build_stubbed instead of build in FactoryGirl
Sean Geoghegan
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ruby, rails, factory_girl
Designers Guide for Mountain Lion Upgrade
Dakota J Lightning
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ruby, rails, osx, brew
Convert ruby time to server timezone
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ruby, cron, timezone
Posting to facebook groups all at once using ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, facebook
Ruby and Default Arguments
John Amicangelo
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ruby, rails, bug, define_method
html 2 haml online converter
Tom Wilson
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ruby, rails, haml
Handle MongoDB arrays in Rails Forms
Ismail Dhorat
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ruby, rails, mongodb, mongoid
Ruby web server one-liner
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ruby, console, server, one-liner
Ruby 1.9 Syntax Linting with Sublime Text 2
3 responses
ruby 1.9, sublime text 2, ruby, sublime linter