Popular Remote Programming Tips
Expose your localhost to the world using Localtunnel
michał łukasiewicz
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remote, local, localtunnel, expose
Ruby script for bulk deleting both local and remote Git tags
Robin van der Vleuten
1 response
ruby, script, cli, tags
New git and heroku remotes in a few commands
Kerry Snyder
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github, heroku, git, deploy
Set up capistrano deploy user on OS X
Jens Hausherr
0 responses
ssh, os x, setup, capistrano
How to delete branches
Emanuel Coelho
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branch, remote, local, git
git diff against a remote branch
Shakeel Mohamed
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diff, pull request, remote, git
Clone Specific Branch and Rename Remote
Jesse O'Brien
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branch, remote, git
Delete local and remote branch in git
Christian Fei
0 responses
git, branch, remote, local
Local Git cleanup of remotely deleted and merged branches
Jon Peck
0 responses
git, branch, cleanup, remote
Awesome Remote Job
0 responses
work, remote, job
automatically deploying website from remote git repository
Martin Auswöger
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deploy, remote, git
Remote collision detection
Michael Dobekidis
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animation, remote, rotation, collision detection
Delete tags on remote
Victor Bjelkholm
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git, tags, tag, remote
Connect to a remote MySQL DB without changing access grants (ssh required)
Thomas Pannek
0 responses
mysql, ssh, remote, tunnel
Edit a file on a remote server using vim from your localhost
Victor Jolissaint
2 responses
vim, localhost, remote, edit
Deleting remote branches in git
Nick Aguilos
0 responses
branch, remote, git, delete
Checkout and track a remote Git branch
Abhinav Ajgaonkar
0 responses
git, remote, checkout
Chrome Debbuging
Bernat Fortet
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debugging, remote
Rebase on a remote
Maxim Avanov
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2nd, rebase, remote, git
Git remotes branch fetching
Jhon Jaiver López
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branch, fetch, remote, git
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php, remote, servers
Delete from remote branch all merged branches
0 responses
git, branch, remote, cleanup