Joined August 2012
remove all merged branches
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
branches, xargs, git, remove branch
Find line with text + surrounding lines
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
grep, find, linux, mac
Typedef block Objective-C
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
block, typedef
For loop in one bash line
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
bash, oneliner, for loop
Repeat last command with substitution
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
bash, terminal, command line, repeat
List keystore
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
android, certificate, keystore
Batch file rename in MacOS
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
rename, mac, batch, file
Expose your localhost to the world using Localtunnel
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
remote, local, localtunnel, expose
Look into your iOS provisioning profile
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
security, profile, provisioning profile, code signing
Run Android emulator with http proxy from Android Studio
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
android, http, proxy, fiddler
Reload Rails Console
michał łukasiewicz
0 responses
rails, console, reload
188 Karma
26,129 Total ProTip Views

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have at least one original repo where C++ is the dominant language

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Have at least one original repo where Objective-C is the dominant language