Joined July 2012
Live face detection with JavaScript
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
javascript, webcam, facedetection
Boot OSX bootcamp partition using VirtualBox
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
osx, virtualbox, windows
automatically deploying website from remote git repository
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
deploy, remote, git
Check CSS Syntax Errors using
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, syntax, validator, check
Bootable USB from ISO on OSX
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
osx, usb, bootable, iso
Convert SVG font to ttf, eot, woff
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
svg, ttf, eot, woff
Convert single SVG files to font using SVG-Icon-Font-Generator
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
php, font, svg, icon-font
Remove spaces between inline-block elements
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, letter-spacing, inline-block
flush dns cache on OSX
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
osx, dns, flush
WordPress Projects and GIT
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
git, svn, wordpress
Test webpage performance using
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
performance, http
Test webpage performance using
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
performance, http
send and receive SMS and phone calls over HTTP using
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
php, http, phone, sms
Convert Photoshop Styles to CSS/SCSS/SASS
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, photoshop, sass, scss
MySQL calculate distance between two latitude/longitude coordinates
Martin Auswöger
1 response
mysql, latitude, longitude, coordinates
convert photoshop letter spacing to css letter-spacing
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, photoshop, letter-spacing
Use imageoptim to optimize images
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, html, performance, image
Shrink PNG files using
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, png
mysql utf8 character set doesn't support all utf-8 characters, use utf8mb4 instead
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
mysql, utf-8, utf8mb4
IE8 icon font bug
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
css, ie8, icon font, javascript
675 Karma
55,614 Total ProTip Views

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