Popular Regexp Programming Tips
updating PATH with ansible - system wide
Ali-Akber Saifee
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Regexp: how to validate a UK Postcode
Jean-Rémy Duboc
0 responses
regexp, postcode, perl, php
Remove non printable characters in a ruby string
Hélder Vasconcelos
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Positive lookbehind and lookahead in Sublime Text 2
Alex Popov
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Find files on Linux with... find
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Useful regular expressions to update to Bootstrap 3
Michaël Perrin
1 response
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Convert SQL `LIKE` wildcards to Ruby RegExp
Emmanuel Bourgerie
3 responses
ruby, sql, regexp, wildcard
OverAPI.com - Collecting All Cheat Sheets
1 response
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Regex for searching dynamically created I18n keys in Rails
Alex Popov
0 responses
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Remove color codes from a file to view it in a text editor
Alex Popov
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WordWrap with Scala
Pierre Andrews
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Get Vim to Surround Lines
Guillaume VanderEst
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Best regular expressions tool I found
Juan Fernández Sagasti
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Improve your regexp skill in a sudoku like crossword
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Convert old ruby hash syntax to the new one
Rodrigo Kochenburger
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ruby, regexp
Beware /g on regexps in JS
Ben Lowery
1 response
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Temporary 503 in HTAccess
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Commonly used Android reg exp
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Search email message by title
Alex Lushpai
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Ruby Symbol#match is actually String#=~
Titov Andrey
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Validate full_name
Amr Tamimi
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ruby, rails, regexp
Delimiter @ for replacers
Shairon Toledo
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sed, vi, awk, regexp
RegExp for checking clases
Eric Kinzel
2 responses
string, regexp, class, jquery
Matching regexps directly in bash
Knut Haugen
0 responses
bash, regexp
Recent Activity
Temporary 503 in HTAccess
htaccess, 503, regexp, regex
Regexp: how to validate a UK Postcode
Jean-Rémy Duboc
regexp, postcode, perl, php
vim regexp for replacing mocha 'stubs().returns' style with rspec 'allow().to receive()'
Juliano Alves
vim, regexp
RegExp for checking clases
Eric Kinzel
string, regexp, class, jquery
Useful regular expressions to update to Bootstrap 3
Michaël Perrin
bootstrap, symfony, twitter bootstrap, regexp
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