Popular Regex Programming Tips
give your window.location a "file"
Nick Jacob
0 responses
javascript, regex
Multiple SQL column delete and create using Regex
Macs Dickinson
0 responses
sql, regex, productivity
sanitize Nginx logs
Ramez Hanna
0 responses
regex, logs, nginx, sanitize logs
GDocs -> JSON
Jeff Nelson
0 responses
regex, json, st2, gdocs
3 Tips for a Quick and Clean PHP
Samer Moustafa
2 responses
php, regex, string, ternary
create a regular expression testing playground using ruby and sinatra
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, rails, regex, regular expression
Write Tests for Regex!
Nathan Williford
1 response
regex, javascript
Parse a .rvmrc file using a Regex
Guillaume Hain
4 responses
regex, rvm
Javascript lookbehind
Kameron Niksefat
0 responses
javascript, regex
Ruby gsub with Haskell
Fredrik Olsen
0 responses
haskell, regex
Debuggex: A visual regex debugger
Carlos Nasillo
0 responses
python, regex, tools, debugger
Regex operators made non greedy
Yuriy Golobokov
0 responses
ruby, php, regex, code
Scala Regex extractor
Eugene Ryzhikov
0 responses
scala, regex
PHP - Stop using RegEx for email validation
Joel Day
0 responses
php, regex, email validation
Temporary 503 in HTAccess
0 responses
htaccess, 503, regexp, regex
RegEx to replace function with it's argument
Tom Loudon
0 responses
regex, find, regular expression, replace
Simple Email Regex
Brandon Hansen
0 responses
ruby, regex, regular expressions
Ruby Regex
Brandon Hansen
1 response
ruby, regex
IPv6 Validator for Cocoa
Tito Ciuro
0 responses
cocoa, regex, networking, obj-c
Making Regular Expressions Easy
Emil Stolarsky
0 responses
regex, regular expressions, java
Easy(ish) to read regular expressions
Rowan Lewis
0 responses
php, regex, regular expressions
Search/Replace HAML partials with ERB partials
Nate Steiner
0 responses
haml, regex, sublimetext, erb
Avoid Escaping PCRE Patterns
Alix Axel
0 responses
php, regex, regular expressions, pcre
find and delete files matching a regex pattern
Sean Macdonald
0 responses
shell, regex, find, bash