Popular Regex Programming Tips
JavaScript Regex Global Flag
Nathan Williford
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regex, javascript
Build RegEx - A Simple RegEx GUI
Steven Wade
0 responses
regex, regular expressions
Enforce minimum password length with Abide in Foundation
Jason Yost
0 responses
regex, jquery, foundation-5
Convert A Title Into Url Slug
1 response
jquery, regex, javascript
Regex Tester - Alfred Workflow
Samuel Flores
0 responses
regex, alfred workflow
Extract HTTP Response Code from Nginx Log for Splunk
0 responses
regex, code, http, nginx
Convert shorthand hex colors to longhand using regex
0 responses
css, color, templates, regex
Removing Arabic Tashkeel in javascript
Islam Ali
0 responses
regex, arabic, javascript, tashkeel
perl -i -ple 's/old/new/g' /some/file [...]
Tim Serong
0 responses
perl, regex, search, replace
Installing iftop from homebrew on OS X
Jenner LaFave
0 responses
regex, os x, homebrew, iftop
Use ctype instead of regex if possible
Philipe Rubio
0 responses
php, regex, ctype
Introduction to regular expressions
Matthias Mullie
2 responses
php, regex, regular expressions, pcre
Wisdom: Don't use RegEx to parse HTML
Alexander Brevig
0 responses
html, regex, programming, parsing
Regular Expression Life Hack
Mark Vincent
0 responses
pcre, regex, php, notepad++
Searching strings in Xcode using NSScanner and NSRegularExpression
Anthony Levings
0 responses
regex, grep, find, nsstring
find uncommented console.log calls
0 responses
console, regex, git, javascript
Ruby Regexp: \A, \z, ^ and $
Jake Bellacera
0 responses
ruby, regex
NSString SHA1 Verification
Max Kramer
0 responses
objective-c, ios, regex, password
Visualizing regular expressions
Sebastian Rajo
0 responses
regex, regular expression
Basic hyperlink regex
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
regex, pattern, hyperlinks
Regex testers
George Silva
1 response
python, regex, csharp, java
Regex to cut video id from youtube url
Roman Sotnikov
0 responses
ruby, rails, regex, youtube
Vim, Regex, and PHP - Search for PHP Namespace
Trevor N. Suarez
0 responses
php, viml, regex, vim
Capitalize first letter for words with length over 2 chars C#
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, regex, csharp, c#
Removing special characters with sed
Felipe Brandão
0 responses
shell, regex, sed, linux