Popular Regex Programming Tips
using sed to get file basedir
Felipe Brandão
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shell, regex, sed, linux
Using Postgres Regex expressions to find very specific matches
Mike Hall
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rails, sql, regex, postgres
Fetch youtube links from HTML code
Morteza Nourelahi Alamdari
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python, html, regex, youtube
Learn regex step-by-step
Mariz Melo
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Prevent accidental back-references
Brandon Probst
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php, regex, escaping, back-references
Turn an '@' mention into a link to a user profile
Robert J Samson
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ruby, rails, regex
Search git commit history
Christopher Curtis
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git, regex
Regex to Match d MM, YYYY Date Format
Azri Jamil
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regex, date, day, year
using regex in vim subtitute command
Travis Brack
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regex, vim
test your Ruby Regular Expressions
0 responses
ruby, regex, test
PHP Email Validation REGEX
$( '#Cesar' )
2 responses
php, regex
The Developer’s RegEx Survival Guide: 15 Rules for Making Sense of Regular Expressions
Ben Austin
0 responses
regex, regular expressions, how-to
RegEx Debugging
Quinn Jones
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Replacing lowercase CSS hex code with uppercase in vim
Mike Nielson
0 responses
css, regex, vim
RegEx with Practical Examples
Nicola Pietroluongo
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php, regex, example
Split a text after a maximum of X words
Arnaud Rinquin
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javascript, regex
Regex to match unprintable characters
Steimntz Machado de Figueiredo
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regex, regular expression, expression
Removing paragraphs from text
Marcus Olsson
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html, regex, c#
Support escaping in regular expression replacement
Arnold Daniels
0 responses
regular expressions, regex
django template with vim: replace static references in html
javier wilson
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templates, regex, vim
remove whitespaces on vim
Antônio Roberto Silva
0 responses
regex, vim, remove whitespaces
Regex matcher for formatted price
A.M. Knight
0 responses
regex, javascript