Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Simple fuzzy search algorithm similar to sublimeText
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, search, sublimetext
Rails link helpers, Twitter Bootstrap, and HAML
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rails, haml, twitter bootstrap
Getting Empirical About Complexity in Templates
James Martin
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ruby, rails, metrics, refactoring
Quickest Rails Install on OS X Mountain Lion: Git, RVM, Ruby 1.9.3, PostgreSQL
Joseph Jaber
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ruby, sqlite, os x, rvm
Determining Image Contrast
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imagemagick, rails, paperclip
Invoke any rake tasks on capistrano
Alif Rachmawadi
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ruby, rails, capistrano, rake
Debian-like init.d script for Unicorn
Bruno Coimbra
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shell, rails, unicorn, init.d
Start background jobs after_commit when creating a new record
Arthur Chang
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ruby, rails, on
Rails 4 Scopes and as_json response
3 responses
rails, scope, rails 4, model namespace
Create a Rails app without ActiveRecord
Jason Humphries
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, mongodb
(日本語)Exporting data to Excel from Rails with Axlsx (Japanese)
Randy Morgan
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ruby, rails, axlsx, excel
Rails Destroy
Maynard Cabalitan
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rails, rollback
SQLServer and FreeTDS on Heroku
Michiel Sikkes
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ruby, rails, heroku, buildpack
How to install rmagick (2.13.2) without an error?
Sebastian Muszyński
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rails, rmagick, error
Codeschool rails 4 zombie outlaws free videos download
Milan Roy
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ruby, rails, codeschool, rails 4
Background jobs with Iron and Heroku in 10 minutes
0 responses
heroku, iron, background job, python
acts_as_taggable_on tagging in Active Admin with Select2 and remote data
Charles Hoffman
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ruby, rails, tagging, jquery
Ruby on Rails - no method error when association is nil
Chris Hale
1 response
rails, exceptions, method, error
Rails 4 Tutorial: Login with Soundcloud
Rory Koehler
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rails, oauth, soundcloud api
Layout "hell" in Rails
Bryan Mikaelian
1 response
rails, haml, layouts, organization
Better Country Selectors in Rails
Daniel P. Clark
2 responses
rails, dropdown, search
How to show code changes instantly in chrome with guard-livereload gem
Josh Greenwood
2 responses
ruby, rails, guard, guard-livereload
Integration testing Rake tasks
Michiel Sikkes
0 responses
rails, testing, rake, integration
Enable PHP extensions on Heroku via Composer
Mateusz Książek
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php, heroku, extensions, symfony
Rails: Why are my JS views rendering with my HTML layout wrapped around them?
David Somers
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ruby, rails, haml, templates