Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Carrierwave image quality
Joren De Groof
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ruby, rails, carrierwave
How to perform a group count on a postgresql array column
Mikael Henriksson
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rails, postgresql
Setting Ruby Version in Capistrano 3
Craig McNamara
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ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Symfony2 on heroku
Francesco Tassi
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php, heroku, symfony, cloud
Custom Checkbox with Font Awesome (Sass, Rails)
Adi Wibisono
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rails, css3, sass, html5
How to integrate WebComponents(And other assets) into Rails 4
Fabián Heredia Montiel
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ruby, rails, bower, webcomponents
Run seeds.rb file only against Development.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
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rails, seed, webdev
Two-way polymorphic models / Polymorphic HABTM association in Rails
Aleksey Magusev
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ruby, rails, associations
Using Rails with Postgres for schemaless data
Mike Piccolo
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ruby, rails, gem, postgres
Dragonfly Tips & Tricks
Rahul Trikha
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ruby, rails, gem, tricks
monit and rvm deployment
Mickaël Rémond
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ruby, rails, rvm, monit
Restrict access to your Rails staging environment
Justin Workman
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rails, heroku
Restart Heroku after a migration
brian wisti
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rails, heroku
Update array values in rails
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rails, console, arrays
Postgres Substring Search by Index
Chris Ostrowski
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rails, autosuggest, postgresql
Integrate Inherited Resources with Authority
Brendon Muir
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rails, inherited_resources, authority
Connect ActiveRecord via SSH Tunnel
Dave Baker
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ruby, activerecord, ssh, devops
Atomic increment in Mongoid
Emmanuel Turlay
1 response
rails, mongodb, mongoid
Turnip Helper
Ryland Herrick
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ryalnd, rails, helper, turnip
Rails & Postgres: Better dropping of the database
Alistair Holt
3 responses
rails, postgres, pow, bash
Include shared Gemfile
Hartog C. de Mik
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rails, hack, submodule, gemfile
Connect to a database using ActiveRecord outside of Rails
Steven Shingler
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ruby, rails, activerecord, database
Continuous Integration and Deployment with Cucumber
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heroku, cucumber, ci, continuous delivery
Stub devise authentication in controller specs with multiple scopes
Vlado Cingel
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ruby, rails, devise, rspec
Make ActiveRecord objects not readonly
Bartłomiej Danek
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, readonly