Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Using omniauth-linkedin with Rails
Tu Hoang
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ruby, rails, omniauth, url
Simple measure of code execution time in Rails console
0 responses
ruby, rails, performance, time
Sharing HTML Fragment Caches Between Users With CSS
Matthew Spence
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ruby, css, rails, performance
Using pgbackups-archive to automate archving Heroku backups to S3
Kenny Johnston
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heroku, open source, postgres, systems
Change Devise parent controller
Andrew Volozhanin
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ruby, rails
Stopping rails from duplicating JSON parameters in a root node
Andrew Hao
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ruby, rails, json, parameters
Select all fields from a model without strings
Adan Alvarado
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rails, activerecord, sql, arel
How to remove dashboard in active admin
Ireneusz Skrobiś
0 responses
rails, active_admin
Caching bundler when building a ruby/rails app's image with docker
Adrien Folie
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ruby, rails, dockerfile, docker
Rake task to call a Rails controller method
1 response
rails, controller, rake
Execute a migration command from the Rails console
Anthony Smith
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rails, console, migrations
Create a twitter bot using Ruby
Emad Elsaid
4 responses
ruby, rails, twitter, bot
Authenticates a Ruby on Rails User model via LDAP and saves their LDAP photo if they have one
Edward J. Stembler
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ruby, rails, authentication, ldap
i18n-js assets for EmberJS or any other Javascript framework.
Randy Morgan
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ruby, rails, emberjs, asset pipeline
Quickly enable middleware based custom exception handling in Rails
Amos Lanka
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middleware, exceptions, rails, errors
Rails flash message for Bootstrap (Haml)
James Martin
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rails, haml, bootstrap
Rails 4 Asset Pipeline Log silent
Rafael Oliveira
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rails, logs, asset-pipeline, rails4
BeforeRender Concern for Rails
Francois Deschenes
4 responses
rails, callbacks, rails4
Adding time interval to timestamp column
Bashir Eghbali
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sql, postgres, rails
Dynamically load configuration tokens using ruby's metaprogramming magic
Carlos Betancourt C.
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ruby, rails, api, metaprogramming
How to NOT query ActiveRecord datetime
Rafael Oliveira
2 responses
rails, activerecord, postgresql
Rails 4 Extranet and E-Commerce application implementing Devise "Single Sign On" with "Active Admin", "Comfy Mexican Sofa" and "Spree Commerce"
Dion Santana
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, authentication
Capistrano task for compiling tasks locally
Tiago Amaro
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ruby, rails, capistrano
Extending ActiveAdmin DSL
Matt Brewer
1 response
ruby, rails, active admin, active-admin