Ruby on Rails Development Tips
Fix TextMate Code Completion for Rails 4+ Models
Dave Gerton
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ruby, ruby on rails, rails, textmate
Heroku rails upload error: ExecJS::RuntimeError: SyntaxError: Unexpected token punc «}»
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ruby on rails, heroku
Dynamically proxy rails model scopes to trailblazer operations
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trailblazer, rails, ruby, scopes
How To Make Your Rails app start talking to a Postgres database?
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ruby, rails, app, postgres
Ruby on Rails backup database and store in Git
Lev Lukomsky
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rails, backup, postgresql, mysql
Rails rake task, clean up database, remove duplicates on multiple columns
Troy Martin
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rails, remove duplicates, rake
Capybara select chosen field for rspec testing
Troy Martin
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rpsec, rails, capybara, testing
Set user agent for rspec controller tests
Troy Martin
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rspec, user agent, rails, controller spec
Infinite Scrolling in Ruby on Rails
Esteban Pintos
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rails, javascript, ruby
Integrate Rails flash alert/notice messages into Bootstrap 3 dismissible alert
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ruby, rails, bootstrap
Reviving stale / zombie resque worker
Wojtek Ryrych
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rails, resque
Finding inside current gemset with GEM_HOME
Wojtek Ryrych
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vim, rails
Distractless viewing rails logs with Rlog
Wojtek Ryrych
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vim, rails
Freezing time with time zone in RSpec
Wojtek Ryrych
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rails, rspec
Exploring available methods in `pry` with `ls`
Wojtek Ryrych
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rails, rspec
ActiveRecord create, drop and migrations without Rails
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ruby, rails, migration
Multiple file uploads with carrierwave
Daniel Alejandro Gaytán Valencia
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ruby, rails, carrierwave, serialize
Forget counter cache for many-to-many associations in Rails
João Marcelo Oliveira de Souza
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ruby, rails, active record, counter cache
If Rails Asset Precompilation is not happening in Heroku
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rails, ruby, heroku
Trace SQL queries back to Rails code
Michael Kohl
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ruby, rails, activerecord, query
Sublime 3 Custom Rspec Build for Rbenv
Troy Martin
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rails, rspec, sublime, build
start rails server vagrant
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rails, rails server, server, host
Set scope of I18n translations in Rails with a block
Cristian Andrei
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ruby, i18n, rails, dry