Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
如何使用 jieba 結巴中文分詞程式
1 response
python, jieba
Install powerline on OSX mountain lion
Enrique Vidal
6 responses
python, vim, homebrew, macvim
Python PEP8 linting in Sublime Text 2
Charles Roper
2 responses
python, sublimetext, linting, pep8
Setting Supervisor to *really* stop Django runserver
Rick Hanlon II
15 responses
python, django, supervisord, supervisor
Urlencode filter in Jinja2
Alexandre Bulté
1 response
python, flask, jinja2
Get Odd and Even indexed values from List in Python
Julien Garcia Gonzalez
0 responses
python, list, slice
Fetch dynamic web pages with Selenium
Filippo Valsorda
2 responses
python, scraping, selenium
Django fixture dumpdata, loaddata and Integrity Error
Skate Hunbash
2 responses
python, django
Setup Macvim For Maximum Awesomeness
Vinit Kumar
5 responses
ruby, python, vim, editor
Run Django commands using cron
3 responses
python, linux, django
Getting Started (InfluxDB - Grafana - Docker)
Matt Conroy
1 response
python, docker, grafana, influxdb
Develop Kivy apps on Mac OS X with Pycharm
Peter Hanley
6 responses
python, mac os x, pycharm, kivy
How to uninstall Python 2.x on Mac OS
Yesi D
0 responses
python, console, mac
Regex to parse your default nginx access logs
Nikola Sivkov
2 responses
python, regex, nginx
Define a typeclass in Python
0 responses
python, mypy, dry-python, typing
Installing libxml2 for python in mac os X
André Farzat
5 responses
python, libxml2
Quick and dirty HTTP logging in Python
Austin Keeley
1 response
python, logging, web, http
Tell pip to use a mirror
Dustin Haffner
0 responses
python, pip
Index of minimum element of a list
Antonio Vera
2 responses
python, algorithm, index, list
QuickSort in Python
2 responses
python, sorting, quicksort
POSTing from Angular to Django
3 responses
python, django, rest, angularjs
doing an apt-get update in ansible only if a condition is met
Ali-Akber Saifee
1 response
python, deployment, ansible