Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
JSON.stringify() pretty printer
Doug Thomas
1 response
python, json, javascript
Python Web Crawling for Emails
Saul Costa
1 response
python, web, beginner, crawling
Select & Install python versions easily with fzf + pyenv
James Cuzella
0 responses
python, pyenv, fzf, fuzzy-find
Custom table name in Django model
Michele Capra
0 responses
python, django, model
Running iPython cleanly inside a virtualenv
Hatem Nassrat
3 responses
python, virtualenv, ipython
Use Python and PIL to slice an image vertically
Joshua Gourneau
0 responses
python, image, crop, pil
Modifying XCode projects via command line
Ignacio Calderon
3 responses
python, xcode, command line
Change label on a field in Django admin
0 responses
python, django, django admin
How to setup for your Django 1.4.2 project
0 responses
python, django, git, local_settings
Use Python to read file by N lines each time
0 responses
python, file, textprocessing
Python WebSocket Server
Joshua Moore
0 responses
python, websocket, websockets, websocket-server
JSON exception handler for Flask
Rafael Calsaverini
1 response
python, flask, exception handling
Django: how to make case-insensitive __in query
Vera Mazhuga
0 responses
python, django, django-models
Seven Tips To Get Better At Writing Code
Vinit Kumar
15 responses
python, tips, coding, hacker
Python Decorators vs. Context Managers: Have your cake and eat it!
Manuel Ebert
2 responses
python, decorators, design pattern, context manager
Remove all .pyc files from a directory
Nahim Nasser
2 responses
python, django, unix, environment
Prime Numbers with Python
Nathan Lucas
1 response
python, math, algorithm, benchmark
PIL/Pillow IOError: decoder jpeg not available
Thomas Schultz
2 responses
python, pil, pillow ioerror
Quickly add custom branding to django admin
Saurabh Kumar
0 responses
django, django-admin, frontend, python
Existing PostgreSQL ENUMs in Alembic
Iain Campbell
0 responses
python, sqlalchemy, postgresql, alembic
Modifying nullable columns in Alembic
Iain Campbell
0 responses
python, postgresql, alembic
Increase open files limit and drop privileges in Python
Simon Pantzare
0 responses
python, setgid, ulimit, subprocess
Share localhost with anyone
17 responses
python, rails, osx, design