Popular Productivity Programming Tips
Modern Front-End Web Developer Toolbox
Julien Charette
4 responses
tools, productivity, front-end
switch spaces by tilting your mousewheel in osx
0 responses
config, osx, productivity, mouse
A hidden gem: Google Chrome accounts
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
web, productivity, testing, google chrome
Paste with automatic indenting in Sublime Text 2
1 response
sublime text, sublime, productivity, shortcut
Use bash auto completion support to increase your productivity
Bastian Spanneberg
2 responses
shell, productivity, gradle, bash
Customize Powershell Prompt Message to Show Current Git branch name
0 responses
powershell, productivity, git
Fast mock up web frontends with HAML/Coffee/Sass/Less bundle
Nick Kugaevsky
1 response
ruby, css, haml, html
[Sublime] Type echo, press tab, get console.log
4 responses
sublime, productivity, snippet, shortcut
Tools for getting things done (on Windows)
David Higgins
1 response
tools, productivity, windows, programs
Multiple Heroku accounts
0 responses
rails, heroku, productivity
Turn off Chrome's swipe navigation (On Mac OSX)
Miguel Arroyo
0 responses
chrome, productivity, mac osx, swipe navigation
Using hub with GitHub Enterprise
Sonny Scroggin
0 responses
productivity, git, enterprise, hub
IntelliJ IDEA - Find any symbol
Raúl Raja
0 responses
productivity, intellij idea, java
Productivity: Shortcuts Cheat Sheet
Peter Peterson
0 responses
chrome, firefox, xcode, sublime
Use nosy to automatically run your python tests on code change
Chris McKinnel
0 responses
python, productivity, unit-testing
Be A Finite-State Machine
Simeon Willbanks
3 responses
productivity, life, finitestatemachine
Please check your click handler
Dmitry Pashkevich
4 responses
jquery, productivity, usability, ux
Add shortcuts to your rails application
Nick Kugaevsky
0 responses
rails, productivity, javascript
Improve your productivity with Code Generation and T4 Text Templates
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, csharp, productivity, javascript
iTerm2 + tmux switch window shortcuts
Dmitriy Rozhkov
1 response
productivity, tmux, iterm2
Save time writing Java with Eclipse using save actions
Mark Vaughn
0 responses
android, tips, productivity, eclipse
Show card numbers in Trello
Ignas Butėnas
0 responses
productivity, javascript, trello, bookmarks
My pinky is tired - VIM
Amos King
0 responses
vim, productivity, shortcuts
Webshot: A Website Screenshot Extension for Alfred on Mac OS X
Jonathan Nelson
0 responses
python, productivity, download, mac os x
To Stay Focused and Be Productive For The Wandering Mind.
Eric Raio
0 responses
productivity, learning, coding, reading