Newest Php Programming Tips
Wishing you a multilingual Christmas
Anthony Levings
13 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
Translate your PHP app efficiently
Maximilian Weber
0 responses
php, translation, webermax
Disabling Silex controllers execution
Raphael Stolt
0 responses
php, cli, silex, cilex
Fix Errors Whilst Using Referenced Functions
Antony D'Andrea
0 responses
php, referenced functions
Change date format in PHP
Alexandru G.
2 responses
php, date
The Z Man
1 response
php, config, error, pclzip
HTML5 Mobile Device Camera Access
Brandon Beeks
19 responses
php, mobile, html5
Generic way to sanitize url by stripping any special char
2 responses
php, security, seo
Remove Codeigniter index.php
Emanuel Coelho
0 responses
php, codeigniter, index
Trim strings in WordPress
Gustavo Bordoni
0 responses
php, wordpress
Makiavelo::New web framework in the making
Fernando Doglio
0 responses
php, webframework
Bilbon the ORM for hobbits
0 responses
php, database, orm
Improving Disk I/O in PHP Apps
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
php, io, performance
Moving a WordPress site between hosts
Simon Grinberg
1 response
php, mysql, wordpress
remembering the order of for()
Mark Vaughn
1 response
javascript, ruby, php, c
Setting Exit Code in PHP without exiting immediately
Sam-Mauris Yong
0 responses
php, cli, shutdown
Anonymous PHP Function in Laravel
Arif Setyawan
1 response
php, laravel
Mixing up Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, MongoDB and ...bottles of wine
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
php, mongodb, twitter bootstrap, java
Create WordPress virtual page "On The Fly"
raz ohad
12 responses
php, wordpress
Iterate over array in one row
0 responses
php, array, syntax sugar
Simple MySQL wrapper using mysqli_*
Jonathan Tavares
6 responses
php, mysql, dba, php class