Newest Php Programming Tips
Create a block in a node.tpl.php file
Robin van der Vleuten
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php, drupal, block, template
Proved PHP Design Patterns for Data Persistence, and the evolution to Identity-Map
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, pattern, oop, persistence
Store/cache data into DBM-style abstraction layer
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, open source, cache, dbm
For lazy unit testers - running phpunit in a loop
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
php, testing, phpunit
SOLID - OOP Principles to Programming
Jesse Reese
0 responses
php, development, programming, coding
Quick and reliable testing SMTP server
Boris Guéry
1 response
php, python, development, email
PHP Storm 6 - Darkula Theme [EAP]
Frédérick Lebel
0 responses
php, ide, phpstorm, darkui
How to measure the number of lines of code in a project
Sendoa Portuondo
2 responses
php, shell, osx, ios
Editing language files the best way
Josef Simonson
0 responses
php, language, symfony, symfony2
Pagination With Twitter Bootstrap and CakePHP
Doctor Fox
0 responses
php, twitter bootstrap, cakephp
New Macbook Pro? Get it ready for PHP 5.4
Barney Hanlon
3 responses
php, macbook
Pablo Martinez Fernandez
0 responses
php, adrenalina barcelona, barcelona apartments
Simple MySQL Heartbeat monitoring
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
php, mysql, monitoring, pdo
Bootstrap collapse menu with WordPress menu
Dwight Scott
4 responses
php, menu, bootstrap, wordpress
Unittest Restful Api with Symfony 2
Jan Krause
0 responses
php, restful, phpunit, symfony2
Miguel Ramos
0 responses
php, pecl, extension, experimental
2012: A Year in PHP
Vasilica Madalin Puica
0 responses
php, 2012 php, php predictions
Silex Journeys - Session
Miguel Ramos
0 responses
php, session, silex
PHP Validate Input Function
3 responses
php, validate, function
Super simple .htaccess rewrite to remove PHP file extensions and query strings from URLs
Anthony Levings
11 responses
php, apache, query, .htaccess
New code editor Brackets
Mariz Melo
2 responses
javascript, ruby, php, python
atoum : The modern, simple and intuitive PHP 5.3+ unit testing framework
0 responses
php, tdd, unit test, atoum