Newest P Hp Programming Tips
Setup quick webserver
Nicolas Widart
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php, terminal, osx, apache
FBMock - PHP mocking framework
Nathan Malcolm
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php, facebook, unit testing, mocking
Some tips to improve your codes readability
Vinícius Krolow
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php, code, readability
PHP Benchmark
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
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php, performance, benchmark
Avoid Escaping PCRE Patterns
Alix Axel
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php, regex, regular expressions, pcre
Send mail to your Gmail with MAMP Pro
Robin van der Vleuten
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php, mamp, gmail, mail
Magento - How to switch Base URLs without modifying the Database
Thilanga Pitigala
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php, magento, ecommerce
Sonata Admin Bundle User Password
1 response
php, symfony, password, bundle
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php, fibonacci, fibonacci series
Symfony2.1: Adding (and/or Removing) fields using Event Subscribers
Andréia Bohner
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php, event, form, symfony2
Using the gelf logging handler in Symfony 2.0.x
Martin Parsiegla
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php, symfony2, gelf, monolog
Basic template for a 1.5 prestashop module
Alan D.
1 response
php, module, prestashop
Host Composer Packages in Github Gists
C. Hochstrasser
1 response
php, composer
Adding a method on the fly in an object with PHP
Vinícius Krolow
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php, meta programming
Static PHP code analysis with Sublime Text 2
Bijan Vaez
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php, sublime, sublime text 2, static code analysis
ACS Push notification with PHP
Patrick Jongmans
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php, push, mobile, appcelerator
Symfony2 console shorthand
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php, console, symfony2
Inflexible, Inflector library for PHP
Boris Guéry
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php, doctrine2, symfony2
mysqli_stmt::bind_param aliasing violation
Gjero Krsteski
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php, mysql, oop, mysqli
Manage your VPS with PHP
Adam M Dutko
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php, library, api, vps
JSON-encode objects: JsonSerializable
Paul Seiffert
1 response
php, json
PHP Type Casting: Arrays, Objects and JSON
Stijn Janssen
0 responses
php, json, array, object
Format a timestamp as time ago in Drupal
Robin van der Vleuten
0 responses
php, drupal, format, date