Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Change default ‘Enter Title Here’ for custom post types
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php, wordpress, custom post types, funtions.php
check if a class exists within the extending hirachy
0 responses
php, oop, classes, instanceof
Storyplayer's Documentation
Stuart Herbert
0 responses
php, testing, storyplayer
Independent EntityRepository in Doctrine 2
Vojtěch Dobeš
0 responses
php, di, doctrine, entityrepository
Load Data Infile Permissions Quickfix
Donnie Bachan
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php, mysql
Brendan Murty
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javascript, php
4 things never to do when using events
Michal Gebauer
0 responses
php, events
Footer Copyright
Jamie Robertson
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php, date, footer, copyright
How to make your code scale
Matthias Mullie
0 responses
php, mysql, scaling
Get difference between two dates in days
0 responses
php, date_diff
Custom error messages in Silex
0 responses
php, silex
send and receive SMS and phone calls over HTTP using 46elks.com
Martin Auswöger
0 responses
php, http, phone, sms
query post pagination not working
Joell Lapitan
0 responses
php, wordpress, query post
Instalar PHPUnit en Mac OS usando MAMP
0 responses
php, apache, mac os, phpunit
Get photos from Google Picasa web albums
Dmitriy Tkach
0 responses
php, picasa
7 Essential Tips For JavaScript
0 responses
php, programming, wordpress, laravel
To be a PHP Ninja first shuriken should be spent at Magic (methods that is)
Juan Manuel Combetto
0 responses
php, magic, ninja, methods
MongoDB + PHP e definição de variáveis
Michel Wilhelm
0 responses
php, mongodb
Avoid Recursive References in PHP
David Boskovic
0 responses
php, memory, garbage collection
remove empty emlements
Francis Varga
0 responses
php, array
Use Laravel4
Boris Strahija
0 responses
php, laravel
d/m/Y to Mysql datetime
Felipe Sánchez Elich
0 responses
php, mysql, date
Upload the records from localhost server to remote server
0 responses
php, mysql, database