Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Random Integer
Jewei Mak
1 response
Splitting up names
Alex Sears
0 responses
Creating Dynamic Image Thumbnails Using PHP
Ronald Nicholls
0 responses
php, dynamic, coding, thumbnails
PHP coderwall API
Ítalo Lelis de Vietro
0 responses
php, coderwall, api, sdk
Creating empty objects in PHP is fun
Craig Slusher
0 responses
php, object
Cache! A-ah. Saviour of the Universe
Matthias Mullie
0 responses
php, cache, scaling
Instalación de PHP
Hugo Gilmar Erazo
0 responses
php, apache, server, debian
use itself in PHP closure
Yaodong Zhao
0 responses
php, dongbeta
Laravel 4.1 Installation
Zainul Setyo Pamungkas
0 responses
php, laravel
Cache a file
Brendan Murty
0 responses
Getting past date/timezone warnings for PHP in OS X
Shawn Patrick Rice
0 responses
php, scripting, date, php.ini
Many ways to start a local web server
John Piasetzki
0 responses
php, python, linux, npm
A data querying library for PHP (in development)
Rowan Lewis
0 responses
php, query, selector
Editing language files the best way
Josef Simonson
0 responses
php, language, symfony, symfony2
check array keys in PHP
1 response
php, array, empty, isset
RegEx with Practical Examples
Nicola Pietroluongo
0 responses
php, regex, example
Shady characters
danny c
0 responses
php, text encoding, html entities, gremlins
Installing and Configuring Social Login Extension in Magento 2
0 responses
magento, php, ecommerce