Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Make PhpStorm generated setter return $this
Steffan Harries
0 responses
php, code, phpstorm, template
Wordpress widget title as class name
Leonardo Prado
2 responses
php, widgets, wordpress
Split clients on nginx and pass a query string variable on the request
Willy Barro
1 response
php, nginx, fast-cgi, split_clients
How to create a order in Magento via SOAP
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php, magento, soap
Error failed to open stream in Code Igniter
David (Josh)
0 responses
php, apache, ci, code igniter
Async processing or multitasking in PHP
Matthias Mullie
0 responses
php, multi-threading, parallel processing
ElasticSearch field queries containing slashes
Craig Marvelley
1 response
php, elasticsearch
Use Laravel with SASS (and HTML5 boilerplate)
0 responses
php, laravel, html5
Generate security captcha image with PHP
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, security, gd, captcha
WordPress post thumbnail alt
0 responses
php, thumbnail, wordpress, alt
Configurations and Namespaces in Package Development for Laravel
Zennon Gosalvez
4 responses
php, open source, laravel
Why reactive application?
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, reactive, async, oop
Laravel 4 Filters in Controllers
Alex Sears
0 responses
php, laravel, filters, controllers
Use a symlink with Laravel Valet to rename the "public" folder to anything you want.
Jon Thomas
0 responses
valet, php, macos, osx
var_dump vs. var_export
Joel Kuzmarski
5 responses
php, debugging
Verify an expiration date
0 responses
laravel, php
Using Redirect::intendeed with authentication in laravel
1 response
php, laravel, redirect, intendeed
Check if a file exists with php and curl
Pedro Luz
0 responses
php, file, curl, exists
SlimController > Slim PHP Framework controller extension
Frank Lämmer
0 responses
php, slimframework
Helper for creating language anchors in Laravel
Mario Basic
1 response
php, laravel, helper, url
Laravel 4 acceptance testing with Codeception
0 responses
php, laravel, testing, bdd
Using Highchart in CakePHP
1 response
php, cakephp, chart, highchart
Laravel hidden ID
2 responses
php, laravel, id, tokens
PHP: Procedural to Object Oriented API
Stefano Azzolini
0 responses
php, proxy, api, curl
Remove "Edit Permalink & View Post" buttons on Custom Post Type Edit Screens
2 responses
php, wordpress, functions