Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· mabasic

Helper for creating language anchors in Laravel

This little helper gets the current URL and then applies the desired language to it.

Let's say you are located on and that website is on English and you want to enable your users to click on a link, let's call it "translate to croatian" and then they would get the same page, but on Croatian language

I hope that you understood what I meant to say :)

Put this helper in: app/helpers. Include that folder in composer.json. Run composer dump-autoload. In your view (layout) just create a simple <a href="{{ L18n::currentUrl('en') }}">translate to english</a> or <a href="{{ L18n::currentUrl() }}">translate to default website language</a>.

Filename: L18n.php


Class L18n{

    | Gets the URL of the current page and applies the desired language to it.
    | If `lang` is set to "en" then the URL for the route `trips` should look
    | like ``. If the `lang` is set to "" then the URL
    | should look like ``.
    static function currentUrl($lang = "")
        // if the desired language is found in the supported_locales variable
        if( in_array($lang, Config::get('locales.supported_locales')) )
            // if the first part of the URL is found in the supported_locales
            if( in_array(Request::segment(1), Config::get('locales.supported_locales')) )
                // remove the first two characters from the `path`; DELETE (en)
                $cleanPath = substr(Request::path(), 2);
                // replace current `path` with the modified `lang` + `cleanPath`; MERGE (de/path)
                $translated = str_replace(Request::path(), $lang.$cleanPath, Request::url());
            // else if the first part of the URL is null; DOES NOT EXIST (there is no language set)
            elseif (Request::segment(1)==null)
                // append `lang` to the end of the  current URL
                $translated = Request::url().'/'.$lang;
            // else if the first part of the URL is something, but not a language then
                // save current path
                $path = Request::path();
                // append `lang` and `path` to `domain`
                $translated = Config::get('app.url').'/'.$lang.'/'.$path;

            return $translated;
        // if the desired language is not found in the supported_locales variable; (default to app.locale)
            // if the first part  of the URL is found in the supported_locales (the user is currently viewing the translated page)
            if( in_array(Request::segment(1), Config::get('locales.supported_locales')) )
                // remove the first three characters from `path`; DELETE (en/)
                $cleanPath = substr(Request::path(), 3);
                // replace current `path` with `cleanPath`
                $default = str_replace(Request::path(), $cleanPath, Request::url());
            // the URL has no language set
                // just return the current URL
                $default = Request::url();

            return $default;


Here is the Pro tip that helped me to configure my routes for multi-lingual website:

1 Response
Add your response

To works with /public/ or whatever subdirectory, change

$path = Request::path();
$translated = Config::get('app.url').'/'.$lang.'/'.$path;


$path = Request::path();
$translated = str_replace($path, $lang.'/'.$path, Request::url());


over 1 year ago ·