Popular Helper Programming Tips
Coverting Rails Flash Messages to Toastr Notifications
Syaiful Sabril
11 responses
rails, bootstrap, helper, flash messages
Display date ranges in text in Rails
Michel Billard
6 responses
rails, helper, dates
Helper for creating language anchors in Laravel
Mario Basic
1 response
php, laravel, helper, url
Writing HTML easily on decorator / helper
Alif Rachmawadi
1 response
ruby, rails, helper, draper
Autoload your start scene everytime you press play.
Bruno Mikoski
0 responses
editor, helper, unity, c#
Turnip Helper
Ryland Herrick
2 responses
ryalnd, rails, helper, turnip
Read nested object property ( t('a.b.c') ) via string in JS
0 responses
attributes, keys, hash, helper
Conditional wrapper tag helper
Andrew Volozhanin
0 responses
ruby, rails, helper
Codeigniter automatic segments
Emanuel Coelho
0 responses
codeigniter, helper, anchor, url
sass: use media query helpers
0 responses
css, responsive, mobile, sass
Turnip Helper, Part 2
Ryland Herrick
0 responses
ryalnd, rails, helper, turnip
Load environment variables from .env file when testing
0 responses
ruby, rails, testing, helper
Datetime_select Separator
Nishant Modak
0 responses
rails, helper, datetime
Prettify print_r output
Montana Flynn
0 responses
php, debug, helper, function
A foundation5 split button helper for ruby
Moisés Viloria
2 responses
ruby, rails, helper, foundation
jQuery class toggler
Franco Bouly
0 responses
coffeescript, snippet, helper, jquery
Helper for page titles and descriptions
Kyle Meyer
0 responses
ruby, rails, helper
Map method for Arrays in javascript
Benjamin Cook
0 responses
javascript, map, helper, array
current_page?(options) method for current page class
Alexander Kirillov
0 responses
rails, helper, current page
Smart params matcher for Rails
Vojtěch Kusý
0 responses
ruby, rails, helper, parameters
Magento - Get current url of a page
Daniel Salvagni
0 responses
magento, helper, front end, current url
Simple google font helper for Rails 4
Camilo Zambrano
0 responses
google, helper, fonts, rails 4
Set an action for helper specs
Colin Mattson
0 responses
rails, helper, spec, rspec
Ruby on Rails: Declare a controller method as a helper
Yannis Jaquet
0 responses
rails, controller, helper
Compass Face Mixin
Antonio Lettieri
0 responses
compass, mixin, helper, font-face
Recent Activity
Create a Bunch of Files with Bash
Raphael Pierzina
helper, bash
Little nifty scripts to help make a developers life easier
Markus Schwed
git, helper, scripts, software development
Simple google font helper for Rails 4
Camilo Zambrano
google, helper, fonts, rails 4
Load environment variables from .env file when testing
ruby, rails, testing, helper
Smart params matcher for Rails
Vojtěch Kusý
ruby, rails, helper, parameters
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