Popular Os X Programming Tips
Delete whole words with ⌘+Backspace in iTerm2 on Mac
Wojtek Kruszewski
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Installing Ruby Enterprise Edition on OS X 10.9 Mavericks with RVM
Javier Cuevas
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Setting keyboard shortcuts from inside boxen
Nicolás Sanguinetti
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How to Install Xcode, Homebrew, Git, RVM, & Ruby 1.9.3 on Snow Leopard & Lion
Vitor Balocco
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Fix Preview.app's sluggishness in Lion
Derryl Carter
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OS X: Super fast access to sound preferences
Johnny Bridges
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Show EVERYTHING in OS X Finder
John Riney
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Compiling MySQL with Xcode 4.3 on OS X
Guido Bouman
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Hidden VNC client in OS X
Abhinav Ajgaonkar
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Best resource for all those Linux command options
James Barnett
1 response
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Manipulate launchctl $PATH
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Key repeat instead of accents in OS X
John Riney
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Integrate OS X clipboard into Emacs
Alexander Tamoykin
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Copy a file's contents to clipboard in Terminal
Yale Spector
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Check out illumos-gate on OS X
Joshua M. Clulow
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Share ZFS partition on OS X host with an xhyve Linux Guest
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Toying with the OS X ssh-agent
Félix Bellanger
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Set up capistrano deploy user on OS X
Jens Hausherr
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Thanks to Github Trending!
1 response
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Drupal and TextMate
Mathew Winstone
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Let Apache/PHP modify folder/files
Nate Steiner
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Installer ruby 2.0.0 sur OS X Mavericks
Jeremy Bertrand
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Update php on Mac OS X
Pedro Henrique Candido
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UTF-8 multibyte characters in Mac OS X filenames
Sven Pachnit
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