Newest Objective C Programming Tips
Accessing Cocoa (Objective-C) from Go with cgo
Kiyoshi Murata
1 response
cocoa, objective-c, go, cgo
check whether iOS version is equal or greater that X version
0 responses
objective-c, ios
NSInvocation with non object parameter
Giovanni Lodi
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Objective-C round double to nearest 50
Matthew Teece
0 responses
rounding, ios, objective-c
Objective-C round 100ms NSTimeInterval to nearest 100
Matthew Teece
0 responses
ios, rounding, objective-c, nstimeinterval
ld: file not found: -lPods-*
Cayley Humphries
0 responses
xcode, cocoapods, objective-c, ios
RHAddressBook - Saving a Contact
0 responses
objective-c, ios, rhaddressbook, addressbook
UICollectionView: Set Initial ContentOffset
Robert Wünsch
1 response
cocoa touch, objective-c, uicollectionview
How to list all available fonts in XCode by family name
Ernesto Mendoza Blanco
0 responses
xcode, fonts, ios, objective-c
How to open NSUserDefaults preferences stored in plist files
Ernesto Mendoza Blanco
0 responses
ios, xcode, plist, bash
State restoration for controllers presented with custom transition
Andrej Mihajlov
0 responses
ios, state restoration, objective-c
Fix touch delay on controls in scroll views
Andrej Mihajlov
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Patching Mail controller on iOS
Andrej Mihajlov
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Use #defined values in Info.plist
Marco Del Tongo
2 responses
ios, xcode, facebook, plist
Make an image centered and stretched in UIView
Nguyen Vu
0 responses
objective-c, xcode, ios 7
A Swift and Objective-C App comparison
1 response
ios, objective-c, swift, ios8
Custom transitions on iOS 7 & a little bit about UX
Andrej Mihajlov
4 responses
transitions, ios, objective-c
F***ing Objective-C Block Syntax
Rudy Jahchan
0 responses
objective-c, blocks
Useful iOS development tools
Evgeny Karkan
2 responses
ios, xcode, objective-c
Variadic Functions in Objective-C
Alex Boyd
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Cool ways to use C Preprocessor
0 responses
ios, preprocessor, macro, c
Inhibit warnings per pod, not all warnings
Victor Ilyukevich
0 responses
ios development, cocoapods, objective-c, podfile
Load JSON without AFNetworking
Robert Wünsch
0 responses
objective-c, afnetworking, nsurlconnection, nsjsonserialization
Storyboard/UIPageViewController resets subviews' positions
Robert Wünsch
2 responses
cocoa, ios, storyboard, objective-c
Most Viewed This Month
resign .ipa with new distribution certificate
Jeffrey Jackson
xcode, ipad, iphone, ios
Use xcodebuild to build workspace vs project
Herman Lintvelt
ios, xcode, xcodebuild, build script
Customize the Back Button of UINavigationItem in the Navigation Bar
Daniel Brajkovic
xcode, ios, objective-c
How to save a NSArray/NSMutableArray in Core Data
Juan Fernández Sagasti
cocoa, ios, core data, cocoa touch
Storing password in keychain the smart way
Objective C
Philippe Converset
password, ios, keychain, username
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