Popular Mercurial Programming Tips
Converting Repositories From Git to Mercurial
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, git, mercurial
Better commit messages
Alexandre Bulté
4 responses
svn, dvcs, git, mercurial
Adding a pre-commit hook to Mercurial
Franco Mariluis
0 responses
python, mercurial
Simplify resolving Mercurial conflicts
Jude Robinson
0 responses
shell, cli, unix, mercurial
Enable HG Extensions for one command
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
hg, mercurial
Useful Mercurial aliases
Ben Ripkens
0 responses
shell, mercurial, bash
Version Control (Push) Notifications
Pranav Tekchand
0 responses
subversion, hooks, gamification, notifications
Create a Mercurial changeset summary in JSON format
Ben Ripkens
0 responses
shell, mercurial, bash
Use Mercurial for dotfiles
Reid Ransom
2 responses
zsh, prompt, dotfiles, hg
ghq: Manage repository clones of GitHub, Google Code on the "Go way"
0 responses
git, mercurial, go, github
Combining multiple Mercurial Repositories into One
ADIO Kingsley O
0 responses
python, version control, mercurial, java
Pushing to a git repository from Mercurial
ADIO Kingsley O
0 responses
git, mercurial, adiksonline, version control migration
Git or Mercurial
Dimitris Tsironis
0 responses
git, mercurial
Displaying all 13 tips
Recent Activity
ghq: Manage repository clones of GitHub, Google Code on the "Go way"
git, mercurial, go, github
Pushing to a git repository from Mercurial
ADIO Kingsley O
git, mercurial, adiksonline, version control migration
Combining multiple Mercurial Repositories into One
ADIO Kingsley O
python, version control, mercurial, java
Enable HG Extensions for one command
Hatem Nassrat
hg, mercurial
Use Mercurial for dotfiles
Reid Ransom
zsh, prompt, dotfiles, hg
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