Popular Maven Programming Tips
How to set up Maven in Sublime Text
Kamil W
3 responses
sublime text, maven, build, tutorial
Stopping maven from trying to access its Central Repository
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
maven, super pom, central repository, pluginrepository
Fixing missing language plugin issue in Sonar
Martin Naumann
3 responses
maven, plugin, language, martin-n
Deploying maven artifacts from Travis
8 responses
scm, maven, travis, git
${env.JAVA_HOME}: maven, intelliJ IDEA and Mavericks
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
macosx, maven, intellij idea, launchctl
Plugin execution order in maven
Ruurd Pels
0 responses
maven, plugins
IntelliJ and Gradle - disable update indices
Piotr Jarzemski
1 response
android, maven, gradle, intellij
Maven release plugin (-D) arguments
Bart Bakker
0 responses
maven, arguments, phantomjs, release-plugin
Fast setup for a lightweight Maven dev environment
manuel rascioni
1 response
maven, database, jetty, java
Maven - Unsupported major.minor version of surefire
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
maven, java, surefire
Specs with Maven and Scala
David Sergey
0 responses
scala, bdd, junit, maven
Using scr annotations in a pax-construct project with maven-bundle-plugin
0 responses
maven, osgi, bnd, scr
How to package non-Java code/files/resources in a JAR with MAVEN
0 responses
maven, resources, java, javascript
Secure password encryption in Maven
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, maven, password, encryption
Sadomasochistic Software Development
Juan Carlos Cancela
0 responses
open source, maven, jenkins, java
Using Android Library Projects with Maven
Bryan Alvarado
0 responses
maven, java, android
You can generate a database schema from your hibernate mappings using maven
Wouter Lievens
0 responses
maven, database, hibernate, ddl
Building Hadoop job jar with Maven
Xavier Stevens
1 response
maven, hadoop, java
Download an artifact from JitPack.io using Maven
1 response
maven, java
Deploy any maven project to your company repository
Raúl Raja
0 responses
maven, java
Using Maven and Eclipse for Android
Leif Janzik
0 responses
android, maven, continuous integration
for those who build multiple maven projects at once
charalampos papaloizou
1 response
python, maven, java
Fixing SunCertPathBuilderException caused by Maven downloading from self-signed repository
Alvaro Garcia
0 responses
maven, certificates, self-signed, suncertpathbuilderexception
Maven Web Resources Filtering in IDEA
João Marcus
0 responses
python, maven, intellij, idea
Recent Activity
Sidestepping the horror of code generation in Maven with Groovy
maven, groovy, code generation
Setting up a local Artifactory instance
artifactory, nexus, maven, gav
Set Java compiler level for Maven project
Brian Kelly
java, maven
Use maven to version {puppet|ansible|etc}
Jesper Markenstam
maven, versioning, configuration management
Best Java EE like framework
Charlie Mordant
angularjs, bootstrap, maven, osgi
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