Popular Library Programming Tips
How to draw heart shaped ImageView in Android using PorterDuffXfermode and SVG
Mostafa Gazar
4 responses
library, imageview, java, circle
SwipeListView: Open Source Library for Android
Javi Pacheco
0 responses
android, open source, library, listview
PhysicsJS - A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript
Jasper Palfree
16 responses
engine, library, javascript, 2d
Streamtastic - Own3d and Twich.tv C# API library.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
0 responses
csharp, library, api, own3d
C#: Create and Manipulate Word Documents Programmatically Using DocX
John Atten
0 responses
ms word, library, docx, c#
The Ultimate Android Library
Alexandre Gherschon
0 responses
android, library, useful
Best way to build a iOS Static Framework
Juan Fernández Sagasti
0 responses
frameworks, library, static, ios
RESTrung Restful Client for Android
Raúl Raja
0 responses
rest, library, ws, java
Easy static/shared libraries with distutils
Dimitri Tcaciuc
0 responses
python, compile, distutils, library
Javascript Template for Libraries
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
0 responses
javascript, library, template
Titon Toolkit, the front-end UI library for the responsive, mobile, and modern web
Miles Johnson
0 responses
css, responsive, toolkit, mobile
Export your Mixpanel data with a Javascript
Mike Carter
0 responses
library, api, dashboard, lean
Manage your digitalocean.com VPS with PHP
Adam M Dutko
0 responses
php, library, api, vps
Titanium Android Menu Item
Ket Majmudar
0 responses
android, library, titanium, javascript
Standalone PHP library for easy devices message notifications push
Cédric Dugat
0 responses
php, push, apple, library
On Libraries and Dependencies
Mario Rezende
0 responses
library, architecture, composer
Data visulization
Deden Fathurahman
1 response
library, javascript, datavisual
A check for installed Python library
Rendy Tan Keok Song
0 responses
python, library, install
Introducing Mathematician - a multi-adapter mathematics and big number library
Trevor N. Suarez
0 responses
php, library, math, composer
Capsule.js: Javascript made easy
Charlie Lipford
0 responses
library, javascript, polymorphism
govalidator - Package of string validators and sanitizers for Go lang.
Alex Saskevich
0 responses
library, validation, go
Ruote Library
Hartog C. de Mik
0 responses
gem, library, ruote
0 responses
ruby, library, favicon
Show ~/Library in Finder in 10.7
Josh Buhler
0 responses
terminal, lion, library, os x
Recent Activity
govalidator - Package of string validators and sanitizers for Go lang.
Alex Saskevich
library, validation, go
Introducing Mathematician - a multi-adapter mathematics and big number library
Trevor N. Suarez
php, library, math, composer
Titon Toolkit, the front-end UI library for the responsive, mobile, and modern web
Miles Johnson
css, responsive, toolkit, mobile
Best way to build a iOS Static Framework
Juan Fernández Sagasti
frameworks, library, static, ios
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