Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· mariorez

On Libraries and Dependencies

Written by Bernhard:

Recently, Aura is creating some buzz that components of PHP frameworks should not have any dependencies. To quote Paul M. Jones’ recent article on Aura:

The distinction is that all Aura packages (with the exception of the Framework package) are completely independent, and have no cross-package dependencies, whereas at least some of the components from Symfony2 and ZF2 have dependency requirements.

Or, quoting this article on replacing Silex with Aura.Micro:

I was recently working on a small project that used Silex. As I browsed my vendor folder, I realized how much extra “stuff” I had inherited with Silex. There were a bunch of other components required when all I wanted was some quick and easy routing, micro-framework style.

I think this needs some urgent clarification before this way of thinking becomes mainstream and PHP creeps back into its NIH-hole.

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