Popular Javascript Programming Tips
focus event.relatedTarget the Firefox way (no way)
Nickey Kolev
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jquery, javascript, javascript events
Effective deep copy of javaScript objects
3 responses
javascript, optimizations
Lazy Loading Images on a WordPress Blog
Jon Tai
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php, jquery, wordpress
JS / JQuery: Check if an Element exists
4 responses
js, jquery
Advanced JS Tips & Tricks
Todd Wolfson
1 response
tips, tricks, javascript, google code
Bitwise trick for parsing float to int in JavaScript
Thiago Pontes
2 responses
trick, js, bitwise, javascript
Maintainable JavaScript: one argument
Ivo Limmen
6 responses
javascript, maintainability
Non-blocking code execution
Francisc Romano
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async code execution, javascript
Using Piwik's JavaScript tracking API to get information about the current visitor in the browser
Preslav Rachev
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analytics, javascript, piwik
Full stack web framework for node.js designed after Ruby On Rails
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javascript, nodejs
Jeff L
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jquery, console.log
JavaScript in-string variables
Fernando Santos
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Write a blog and the software that runs it.
Paolo Fragomeni (0x00A)
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css, html, nodejs, blog
User interface thinking in Rails
Joe Fiorini
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rails, javascript, client-side, rich ui
(Re)Learning Javascript the Right Way
Brandon Turner
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Need to Throttle? Consider Debouncing.
Joseph Jaber
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Modern Front-End Workflow
Rok Fajfar
4 responses
coffeescript, haml, node, development
Implementing your favorite template engine for Knockout.js
Martin Naumann
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knockout.js, mustache, javascript, martin-n
JavaScript: Floor a number like a boss
Osvaldo Zonetti
5 responses
js, math, javascript
Swap text to the top using jquery
Peony Gerochi
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css, html, text, append
Event Driven java and more - server, client, and Android
Alex Boyd
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ruby, python, android, vert.x
Image preview in javascript (coffeescript)
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coffeescript, javascript, image preview
Testing synchronous and asynchronous JavaScript callbacks with QUnit
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frameworks, testing, test-driven development, qunit
Using Yeoman with AngularJS
Brian Ford
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yeoman, javascript, angularjs
Vatican.js - REST API microframework for node.js
Fernando Doglio
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nodejs, rest, api, framework