Popular Java Script Programming Tips
Don't use Array.forEach, use for() instead
Afshin Mehrabani
19 responses
performance, loop, javascript
How to check if JavaScript Object is empty
Kyle Ross
18 responses
objects, prototype, javascript, isempty
JavaScript iterate through object keys and values
Steven Iseki
9 responses
jquery, javascript
How to create an image slider with javascript
15 responses
practice, javascript, image slider
jQuery .find and .closest are your best friends
2 responses
jquery, events, simple, javascript
AngularJS: use $timeout, not setTimeout
Oliver Tupman
12 responses
javascript, scopes, angularjs, timeouts
How to get the correct Unix Timestamp from any Date in JavaScript
Andreas Pizsa
2 responses
timestamp, js, javascript, unix time
Dynamically creating properties on objects using javascript
Abishek R Srikaanth
0 responses
js, javascript, oops-js
Storing and retrieving objects with localStorage [HTML5]
Juan Fernández Sagasti
0 responses
json, localstorage, html5, javascript
Simple String.format() in javascript
Sergey Avseyev
4 responses
Different ways of creating an Object in javascript
3 responses
javascript, programming, learning
Goodbye PHP Sessions, Hello JSON Web Tokens
Richard McDaniel
21 responses
php, security, rest, json
jQuery: When to use $(document).ready() and when $(window).load()
Dmitry Belaventsev
4 responses
javascript, jquery
JSONC compress your JSON data up to 80%
4 responses
json, gzip, compression, javascript
Building large apps with AngularJS
Jason Dobry
25 responses
modules, javascript, angularjs, $scope
One line function to detect mobile devices with JavaScript
Two Fucking Developers
17 responses
mobile, javascript, detection
Be careful with setTimeout in loops
Cristian Andrei
10 responses
js, arguments, javascript, settimeout
How to REALLY center an HTML element (via CSS position absolute/fixed)
Elad Shechter
30 responses
css, web design, javascript
creating DOM elements with jQuery in a more elegant way
David Morrow
13 responses
javascript, jquery
Image slider with prev/next button and pager in JavaScript
3 responses
practice, javascript, image slider
Promise Chains with Node.js
Jim Greenleaf
24 responses
nodejs, q, promises, asynchronous code
'Safe' $apply in Angular.JS
Alex Vanston
16 responses
dom, events, javascript, angular.js
File uploads with jQuery HTML5 and FormData
Vladimir Prudnikov
8 responses
jquery, html5, ajax, javascript