Newest Java Script Programming Tips
lazy-assets: An opinionated and simple build-system
Endel Dreyer
1 response
php, css, frontend, javascript
Get full name of a month from a Javascript date object
0 responses
Compound Blur that's cross-browser and cross-device friendly
Jonathan James
0 responses
browser, javascript, blur, cross
Gulp.js vs. Grunt.js - Code vs Configuration
0 responses
node, automation, grunt, javascript
Wizard Form in Ruby on Rails
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
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ruby, rails, ror, form
Dmitry Pashkevich
0 responses
prototype, object, javascript, hashmap
Return to last active Tab on Twitter Bootstrap 3
Patrick Müller
3 responses
bootstrap, javascript
JS Inheritance is awesome, and you're doing it wrong
Chris Coniglio
5 responses
javascript, prototypes, inheritance, object.create
Simple Sticky navigaton
André Lucas
1 response
navigation, javascript, sticky
Meteor make widgets easy on new blaze engine
Guilherme Decampo
1 response
widgets, meteor, javascript, 0.8
New way to create custom block helper Meteor 0.8
Guilherme Decampo
0 responses
meteor, javascript, blaze, 0.8
Media Queries in JS
Nate Steiner
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css, js, jquery, mediaquery
ngN00b: AngularJS looping $index
Josey Morton
1 response
beginner, javascript, angularjs, ngn00b
Underscore Placeholders and Partials
RJ Zaworski
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underscore, javascript, partial function composition
Cheat AngularJs Isolate Scope
Josey Morton
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javascript, angularjs, directives
JavaScript: Assign value to object from string
Josey Morton
3 responses
prototype, object, javascript
Using Nodemon with Meteor for Rails-Guard-Style testing workflow
Seth Malaki
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nodejs, testing, meteor, javascript
Object.extend Black Magic
Chris Coniglio
7 responses
javascript, prototypes, inheritance, object.create
ES6 Tranceur vs Standard Javascript Performance
Mike Horen
0 responses
performance, javascript, es6, traceur
Titon Toolkit, the front-end UI library for the responsive, mobile, and modern web
Miles Johnson
0 responses
css, responsive, toolkit, mobile
Javascript: if vs. case performances
Lucia Moreno
1 response
switch, performances, flow control, javascript
Running gulp or grunt tasks with make
Guilherme J. Tramontina
0 responses
make, front-end, makefile, grunt
Using a Closure to Organize Prototype Declarations
Joseph Dalrymple
3 responses
prototype, object, object-oriented, class
Reduce email typos and make entering an email faster!
Shane Stebner
0 responses
jquery, email typos, preventing typos, email tooltip