Last Updated: August 01, 2018
· tencircles

Object.extend Black Magic

Just an interesting inheritance mixin I use from time to time. Haven't seen it around on the web,
thought you might enjoy it.

function extend () {
    return [], Object.create, this);

Create yourself a prototype and add in the ye olde extend magic.
Let's just use the classic example of person/say name we all know and love.

var person = {
    sayName: function () {
        console.log("Hello, my name is " +;
        return this;
    name: "John Doe",
    extend: extend

Now let's create another "prototype", but not too specific. Just add in some extra functionality.
Note this is formatting using Object.create's propertiesObject argument.

var ninja = {
    hide: {
        value: function () {
            this.hidden = true;
            return this;

Maybe another for good measure? Be sure to note here that these don't inherit from person, it's just some behavior or data we might want to add to a person.

var wizard = {
    fireball: {
        value: function () {
            console.log("Pew Pew!");
            return this;

And now: a god-damned ninja-wizard.

var ninjaWizard = person.extend(ninja, wizard, {
    name: {
        value: "Ninja Wizard"
    wtf: {
        value: function () {
            return this;


Maybe create a son of Ninja Wizard?

var shaggar = ninjaWizard.extend({
    name: {
        value: "Shaggar, Son of Dolff"
    feedToGoats: {
        value: function () {
            if (this.hasCutoffManhood) {
                //Do things

The above works with as many prototypes as you'd like to throw at it. If you want to do a little
formatting to avoid the verbosity of Object.create, go for it. I personally don't mind it.

EDIT: For those of you interested, I've created a very small library with this functionality: metatype.js.

7 Responses
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Tags: "wizards", "ninjas". Niiiice.

over 1 year ago ·

This is pretty sick, nice trick

over 1 year ago ·

hi chris, that looks great. does it have any disatvangtes compared to the standard extend method (like underscore's)?

over 1 year ago ·


over 1 year ago ·

This should be in standard.

over 1 year ago ·

Hey @oronm, this is a very different type of functionality than underscore's extend. The extend in underscore simply copies properties from one object to another. This is creating a new object in which the prototype chain extends from the object on which the method was called, includes each argument passed, and ends with the new object.

over 1 year ago ·

"a god-damned ninja-wizard" code that is :)
Awesome tip!

over 1 year ago ·