Popular Java Programming Tips
Transactions using execute around method in Java 8
Marius Herring
0 responses
functional, pattern, transaction, java
Easy Task Dialogs in Java Swing
Eugene Ryzhikov
0 responses
swing, java
In Java, Integer.MIN_VALUE == -Integer.MIN_VALUE
Thomas Kober
0 responses
java, integer overflow
Gestures on a Table in LibGDX...
Alex Hart
0 responses
android, input, events, table
ImageViewNext: download, two-level cache and animated GIFs!
Francesco Pontillo
0 responses
android, open source, imageview, cache
Cool Android Libraries
André Bandarra
5 responses
android, actionbarsherlock, viewpagerindicator, java
Post increment gotcha
Alexander Brevig
1 response
csharp, c-c, java, javascript
Jongo - a new object/document mapper for MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
0 responses
nosql, java, mongodb
Facebook Android SDK reauthorizeForPublish() loses old permissions
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
permissions, facebook, application, java
Static imports in Eclipse
0 responses
eclipse, import, static, constant
Generate file with Play! framework template system
Deshayes Yann
0 responses
scala, file, play, template
Develop cool things in Asterisk with Astive Toolkit
Eudris Cabrera Rodriguez
0 responses
asterisk, java, pbx
Protocol Buffers, 32-bit unsigned integers, and Java
Xavier Stevens
0 responses
protocol buffers, java, c
Speed up program startup when using the IBM Java Virtual Machine
Colin Dean
0 responses
eclipse, intellij, jvm, idea
Deploying New Relic on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Mustafa Ashurex
0 responses
java, aws, tomcat, elastic-beanstalk
Remember, HTTPClients aren't just for APIs!
2 responses
web, automation, http, parsing
Print all JVM options
dennis zhuang
0 responses
jvm, java, options
Save time writing Java with Eclipse using save actions
Mark Vaughn
0 responses
android, tips, productivity, eclipse
Find similar functions between different programing languages
Mariz Melo
0 responses
ruby, php, python, perl
Animating layout changes
Javi Pacheco
0 responses
animations, java, android
Google Web Toolkit Super Dev Mode / Source Maps
Alex Boyd
0 responses
gwt, java, javascript
Increasing Memory in Intellij IDE 11
1 response
ide, intellij, java
Simple Java HTML syntax highlighter for XML code
Wouter Lievens
0 responses
xml, syntax, html, highlighting