iOS Development Tips
Grunt / Cordova / HockeyApp IOS build & deploy process with AngularJS generator
Dave O'Brien
0 responses
grunt, cordova, ios, hockeyapp
RxSwift Learning Resources
Isuru Nanayakkara
0 responses
ios, swift, reactive programming, rxswift
Slim your OS X CI virtual machines
Blake Mesdag
0 responses
ios, ci, osx, virtual machines
Check if Swift string contains an emoji or dingbat charater
0 responses
swift, unicode, emoji
Passing struct in Swift
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Testing Websites and Web Apps on Virtual and Real devices with Appium + NodeJS
Hina Aman
0 responses
ios, android, node, testing
Add a Ruby-like "spaceship operator" to Swift
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, swift
Run ssbench in Ubuntu 14.04
Jeff Li
0 responses
openstack, swift, ssbench
Connecting to HTTPS with self-signed certificates on iOS
0 responses
https, ios, nsurlconnection, self-signed certificates
How to use Taptic Engine on iOS9
Dal Rupnik
0 responses
swift, ios, ios9, taptic-engine
Accessing Cocoa (Objective-C) from Go with cgo
Kiyoshi Murata
1 response
cocoa, objective-c, go, cgo
tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not working
François Benaiteau
0 responses
ios, uitableview, interfacebuilder
FoneLab iPhone Data Recovery
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iphone, data, recovery, aiseesoft
Dr. Fone for iOS
0 responses
software, ios, wondershare, drfone
Can't launch Xcode-beta
François Benaiteau
0 responses
ios, xcode, install, beta
Debug with ease and create your own debugging plugins!
Dal Rupnik
0 responses
xcode, debug, plugin, ios
Announcing RSNetworking 2 for Swift 2
jon hoffman
0 responses
networking, swift, swift 2, rsnetworking
Swift 2 and Unit Testing
jon hoffman
0 responses
unit testing, swift, swift 2, xcode 7
Protocol Oriented Programming and Value Types in Swift
Eugene Mozharovsky
0 responses
cocoa touch, pop, generics, swift
Reveal App will help you with view hierarchy debugging!
Dal Rupnik
0 responses
debugging, view, ios
Install Command-Line Tools
David Condrey
0 responses
xcode, dotfiles, automate, applescript
facebook auth with ionic and firebase
Connor Leech
0 responses
cordova, javascript, android, firebase
Beginning React--Native
Truong Hoang Dung
0 responses
ios, objectivec, swift, reactjs