Last Updated: May 25, 2016
· daveobriencouk

Grunt / Cordova / HockeyApp IOS build & deploy process with AngularJS generator

When ready to build, jump to the terminal and:

  1. Update the version number on config.xml
  2. Run a grunt build grunt build
  3. Run a cordova build cordova build ios
  4. Open up the xcode project in platforms/ios
  5. Clean & archive project in Xcode
  6. On archive screen, click export - using Ad Hoc deployment
  7. Continue through screens
  8. Upload the .ipa file to your HockeyApp project

To test the app Xcode's emulator, simply run this command after the initial grunt build (point 2):

cordova emulate ios --target="iPad-Retina"

This will open up app in the iPad Retina emulator - more details on specifying the simulator here: