Master Git One Commit at a Time
Get your git jitsu on with these git tips that will take you from a beginner to an expert.
0 responses
bash, linux, git, branch
Better git status output
Chad Moran
1 response
zsh, git, bash
Recovering files deleted in a previous git commit
2 responses
xargs, git, bash
Make Git more forgiving on miss-spellings
Joel Day
0 responses
command line, git
Use Solarized colors on Gnome terminal with colorized support for git branches
Frank Bültge
0 responses
color, console, terminal, git
Hosting a Blog on Github
Aaron Karper
2 responses
blog, github
Create a branch from a stash
Said A
0 responses
git, branch, stash
Set master as the default branch for push and pull
Davide Targa
0 responses
config, branch, git, master
h1 heading in AsciiDoc documents on GitHub
Dan Allen
0 responses
asciidoc, github
Know your git status from your bash prompt
Todd Wolfson
0 responses
color, status, prompt, git
Application deploy on git push
James Brooks
0 responses
ruby, rails, push, capistrano
Always be using the latest version of Meld
Duncan Lock
0 responses
shell, git, meld
Task Lists in Github Gists
Sıtkı Bağdat
2 responses
markdown, gist, tasks, git
Git branch and remote cleanup alias
Koen Punt
0 responses
branch, alias, remote, git
A quicker Mkdir and git init
Shrayas Rajagopal
1 response
shell, unix, cd, mkdir
SBRXCallbackURLKit: Easily add x-callback-url support to your app
Sebastian Rehnby
0 responses
cocoa, objc, cocoapods, objective-c
Take a screenshot of any website, using PhantomJS
Sean Dunn
0 responses
coffeescript, github
How to keep git merge graph clean
Michael Ibarra
0 responses
git, rebase, merging
removing all .svn (sub)folders
Vinicius Quaiato
0 responses
shell, svn, git
Git Tagging Deployments
0 responses
ruby, capistrano, deploy, deployment
My awesome git aliases
Łukasz Niemier
1 response
alias, git
DRY deployment process with Capistrano 3 and Rails 4
Andy Kifer
1 response
ruby, rails, linux, deployment