Master Git One Commit at a Time
Get your git jitsu on with these git tips that will take you from a beginner to an expert.
Git alias for really quick branching
Sebastian Staudt
0 responses
branch, alias, git
Global search & replace in a git repo
Max Prokopiev
0 responses
sed, search, replace, repo
git branch-cleanup
Robin Curry
1 response
alias, git
Brevidy, the open source video social network
Rob Phillips
1 response
jquery, ruby, haml, web
Android FireZenk's TickerText
Jorge Garrido
0 responses
source, code, text, custom
Local non-compiling git save-points
Anthony Hall
2 responses
git, squash-commits
Create a GitHub repo from the command line
Lance Pollard
2 responses
git, bash, github
Development and Release Workflow with Git
Alex Oberhauser
0 responses
development, workflow, branching, release
git clone: 3 ways
Dmitry Belaventsev
0 responses
git, git-clone
My Fugitive Mappings
Colin Wood
0 responses
vim, git, fugitive, version-control
git = !git
Magnus Dahlstrand
2 responses
shell, alias, lifehack, git
Create AUTHORS file from Git
Victor Jolissaint
0 responses
git, git log, file, authors
Git - checkout previous branch easily
Anton Kalyaev
0 responses
shell, branch, cd, git
Easy deployment on Github pages with GruntJS
Vincenzo Ferrari
0 responses
deploy, deployment, grunt, nodejs
How show git branch in terminal (with colors)
0 responses
color, terminal, linux, git
find uncommented console.log calls
0 responses
console, regex, git, javascript
Calculate billable days from git logs
Dimitrios Mistriotis
3 responses
shell, git
Stage all git deletions
Fuad Saud
0 responses
git, shell script
Show git logs since last version change.
Harshniket Seta
1 response
logs, version, scripts, rev-list
.gitattributes template for Xcode projects
Kemal Taskin
0 responses
ios, xcode, git, objective-c
Markdown Preview using ruby and sinatra simple script
Emad Elsaid
1 response
ruby, rails, github