Recovering files deleted in a previous git commit
Let's say you deleted one or more files in a previous git commit but now you need to recover them. First find out the specific commit that deleted the files and then use this one-liner to get them all back
$ git show --name-status COMMIT_HASH | grep -P "^D\t" | sed "s/D\t//" | xargs -n 1 git checkout COMMIT_HASH~1
Note that the hash of the commit which deleted the files must go in place of COMMIT_HASH in the above command.
What's happening?
- git show along with --name-status will list all files that were involved in the commit along with their status
- Using grep get only the deleted files (having 'D' as the status)
- Using sed get rid of extra output keeping only the path of the files
- Using xargs checkout all filepaths from the previous git commit (COMMIT_HASH~1) in one go
Written by Vineet
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2 Responses

There is always git reflog

Would this be the correct operation/flow if you are "reverting" previous commited changes, as deleting a bunch of files?; before got to this post I was (and still) very confused on how to perform the operation whether using git revert
, git restore
, git reset
, or git checkout
. Anyhow, after executing this awesome line of code it's supposed that I have to commit the "new (added) files", right?