Popular Filter Programming Tips
Exclude a directory from searching in Sublime Text 2/3
Alex Popov
0 responses
sublime-text, filter, searching
Google Maps iframe in Black and White
João Bernardo
0 responses
css, google, html, iframe
Difference Between 2 JavaScript Arrays
Lee Crossley
0 responses
diff, js, prototype, array
Cross Browser CSS Rotation Sass Mixin
Fabrice Lejeune
2 responses
css3, scss, transform, filter
Remove Empty Paragraph Tags in WordPress
3 responses
function, filter, empty p tags, paragraph tags
Filter commits by author on Github
Rômulo Machado
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filter, commits, github
css3 filters
Mehmet BAT
0 responses
css3, filters, filter, css3 filters
How to call any function as a $filter in AngularJs
David Votrubec
0 responses
angularjs, filter
Sentence case filter for AngularJS.
Benjamin Charity
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coffeescript, filter, javascript, angularjs
CSS3 filter and issues on retina displays
Lucia Moreno
0 responses
mobile, css3, bug, webkit
Box shadow that includes pseudo elements
0 responses
css, filter, pseudo-element, shadow
Adding a filter in laravel to check post size
0 responses
php, laravel, filter, post_size
MixItUp animated filtering and sorting
Mahmoud El Ghandour
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jquery, css, filter, animated
Use gettext Filter to Translate Plugin Strings in WordPress
Patrick Rauland
0 responses
filter, translate, wordpress
Scala Vs Java Collection filter
Raúl Raja
0 responses
scala, map, filter, functional programming
PHP simple e-mail, URL and IP validation
Rogério Alencar Lino Filho
0 responses
php, validation, email, url
css grayfilter
Yuwei Ba
0 responses
css, filter
filter: drop-shadow
0 responses
css, filter
Remove falsy values from array
Rui Nunes
0 responses
array, undefined, filter, javascript
Debug the filter chain of a controller
Michael Kohl
0 responses
rails, controller, filter
Simplest ‘removeDuplicates’ in JavaScript Arrays
Gonçalo Morais
0 responses
array, duplicates, filter, javascript
Simplest ‘getUniqueValues’ in JavaScript arrays
Gonçalo Morais
0 responses
array, filter, unique, duplicate
reusable conditionals in angular
Benjamin Roth
3 responses
filter, conditional, angular
Displaying all 23 tips
Recent Activity
Remove falsy values from array
Rui Nunes
array, undefined, filter, javascript
Simplest ‘removeDuplicates’ in JavaScript Arrays
Gonçalo Morais
array, duplicates, filter, javascript
Simplest ‘getUniqueValues’ in JavaScript arrays
Gonçalo Morais
array, filter, unique, duplicate
reusable conditionals in angular
Benjamin Roth
filter, conditional, angular
Difference Between 2 JavaScript Arrays
Lee Crossley
diff, js, prototype, array
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