Popular Email Programming Tips
Sending emails from a WordPress site on localhost
Isuru Nanayakkara
2 responses
email, localhost, smtp, wordpress
Simple SMTP server with OpenSMTPD
William Orr
1 response
linux, unix, email, mail
Validate email address in Django
Leandro Ardissone
2 responses
python, django, email
Extract Data from XPath via Google Apps Script
Vijay Soni
0 responses
google, email, appsscript
PHP Mail Spoofing
Paul H.
0 responses
php, open source, email, spoofing
Get Rid Of That Pesky Grey Footer In MailChimp
Frederick Polk
1 response
email, html, mailchimp
Testing Laravel email with MailCatcher
Marcus Ramsden
2 responses
php, laravel, email
Inline CSS style to elements for HTML email in Java
dennis zhuang
2 responses
css, email, java, inline
Replace email domain with example.com in SQL
William Luu
0 responses
email, tsql, replace domain
Need an SPF Record? Microsoft has a great tool for that.
Kerrick Long
1 response
security, email, spf, spam
Mask email for public viewing as user identifier.
Saurabh Kumar
0 responses
python, security, privacy, email
Skip devise email confirmation on update
Ciocanel Razvan
1 response
rails, email, devise, email change
Emails from Node.js? Simple...maybe too simple.
Jacob Shafer
0 responses
nodejs, email, server, framework
Write an Email wrapper API in Node.js
Steffan Harries
1 response
api, email, restify, nodemailer
Trigger 'Remember password' notice in AJAX forms
Gonçalo Morais
0 responses
email, form, password, login
Relay outbound email through GMail on OSX Mavericks
Greg Roodt
0 responses
osx, email, postfix
Temp-mail: A python API wrapper for service which lets you use anonymous emails
Denis Veselov
0 responses
python, api, email, free
How to send automated emails in Ruby on Rails (with Mailgun)
Lee Munroe
0 responses
ruby, rails, email, mailgun
Disable sending email message on a dev environment on Laravel
Gafitescu Daniel
0 responses
php, laravel, email
Get an email whenever 'sudo' is run on production
Chris Bumgardner
0 responses
linux, sudo, email, devops
node-email-templates render hack
Daniel Tralamazza
0 responses
node, email, template
How to generate a random email signature image.
0 responses
shell, link, email, image
Ubuntu: Sending e-mails with Rails + exim4 (for Redmine)
Christoph Lühr
0 responses
rails, email, redmine, ubuntu
Convert shorthand hex colors to longhand using regex
0 responses
css, color, templates, regex
Recent Activity
Mask email for public viewing as user identifier.
Saurabh Kumar
python, security, privacy, email
Sending emails in the background with Iron
ruby, iron, worker, docker
Test AWS Cognito email verification codes with real email addresses
Jack Mahoney
aws, cognito, email, testing
Testing user signup verification code emails (from Firebase/Cognito/OAuth)
Jack Mahoney
firebase, cognito, aws, testing
End-to-end test transactional emails with real addresses using MailSlurp
Jack Mahoney
testing, email, javascript, tools
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