.NET Development Tips
Coding tips for C#, ASP.NET, and VB.NET that are so good you'll have Redmond impressed.
How to move a form to center position
0 responses
.net, c#, windows.forms
The name 'ProtectedData' does not exist in the current context
Mike Olsen
0 responses
.net, memory, secure, cryptography
Text Based Web Browser for Programmer’s Forum
0 responses
powershell, vs, .net
Don't force your privates up my face
Alexander Brevig
14 responses
ruby, open source, csharp, c-c
NLog settings for LogEntries
Pure Krome
0 responses
logging, iis, .net, c#
Clamp in c#
Jerome Freyre
0 responses
c#, clamp
Serializing circular references in MongoDb
Sergio Costa
0 responses
mongodb, c#
DevExpress LookupEdit RowFilter
0 responses
ui, c#, devexpress
C#: Create and Manipulate Word Documents Programmatically Using DocX
John Atten
0 responses
ms word, library, docx, c#
Resolving "Specified cast is not valid" error while seeking a row from DataTable.
0 responses
linq, c#, datatable
Debugging in Visual Studio with LinqPad
0 responses
.net, debugging, linqpad, c#
MVC Actions Not Working In Sitefinity
Edmund Kump
0 responses
mvc, csharp, asp.net mvc, sitefinity
Autoload your start scene everytime you press play.
Bruno Mikoski
0 responses
editor, helper, unity, c#
Become a polyglot
Alexander Brevig
4 responses
prolog, templates, csharp, programming
Introducing RequireJS for ASP.NET MVC
Stefan Prodan
0 responses
csharp, asp.net mvc, requirejs, javascript
Sort optionlist alphabetically $Plugin
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
.net, js, jquery, javascript
Entity framework - beware of duplicate records
Neelam Gupta
0 responses
linq, entity framework, c#, asp.net
Redirect to previous page
Pedro Tavares
0 responses
asp.net, c#
Add New Relic To Elastic Beanstalk for .NET
Travis Cannon
1 response
.net, ec2, aws, new relic